The "Bring it all Back" MiniCup

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Dec 23, 2004
Milan, Italy

I am staging a 4v4 ProAS cup, thursday (tomorrow) at 20gmt, with team draws at 19gmt. Channel TBA. Best of 14 maps just like the old league.

This isn't a signup thread but you may request to play here and it will be considered. This has started out as an invite 4v4 1 off but there has been quit a bit of interest so I have extended to 4 teams of 4, 2 matches with the final being on sunday at 20gmt. Servers are not an issue.

If you are interested, reply here or PM me on IRC and it will be considered. Still some spots to be filled so be quick!!!

No deadlines will be extended and this will be a straight forward 4v4 if we dont end up with 16.

*Remember, this is just to remember what a a really enjoyable mod ProAS was, nothing serious, just some nice fun*
Iim in, if i can be on a team that talks and if its 16 players
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MyM has kindly sorted the servers and therefore 2 matches will run in tandem at 20gmt tomorrow. Still need a few more signups and we are sorted. By the way, a sub or backup list is being made for those expressing an interest, so even let me know!
The List as it stands with draw to commence in 2 hours:

1. Torp
2. Wish
3. eRt
4. Sphere
5. Sandy
6. Weezy
7. Prom
8. m1c
9. XB
10. Ulv
11. Fury
12. uZi


1. Pogo (Ready to go)
2. Pitbull (Read to go)

3. McNeill (Maybe)
4. Fable (Maybe)
5. Riv (Late, potential sub?)
The Draw

Team 1 - CID


Team 2 - Team AFK


Team 3 - T3


Team 4 - Team Bounce



Team AFK -- vs -- T3

CID -- vs -- Team Bounce
The Results!

Team AFK vs T3:

Match took a while to get going due to some map errors with some maps not being on the server itself. Ace kept kicking people regularly and I myself had 40% pl all game.

With this in mind, it was enjoyable but Pogo had to leave at 4-1 + 1 tied map.

Match forfeited at this point and a potential mix of the 2 teams will meet Team Bounce in the final.

Result: 4-1

CID vs Team Bounce

Match seemed to flow a lot quicker and easier setup. Feedback leaned towards no balance of teams as Team Bounce considered much stronger.

Result: 8-0

Overall: Sorry it didn't run as smoothly as we would have liked. Myself and Ulv didn't have much time to set servers up and unfortunately MyM couldn't be around to assist.

Next time I do one of these though, we whould be way more prepared.

I personally feel the teams were nicely balanced and if people stop giving up before it has even started because Wish is playing then more fun would be had.

I think a repeat ProAS cup can be done next month and I will look in to doing it better.

Look forward to sunday at 20/21gmt whichever suits most playing, for a nice even match.

Any feedback welcome.
Insight to our game:

Frag wise it was balanced, except for wish who was well ahead of the rest but that was'nt the reason for the scoreline being so blunt. most of my team found it impossible to hit or kill many of there members, but one indivdual alone caused the most chaos,

Sphere running around with 20% PL lapping up all objectives or distracting our squad for most of the time so others could get in.

Didnt effect his fragging as he was still able to perform his usual role of spamming, but non the less this killed the tone of the whole game.

Fury and exider both inactive and found it confusing at times coming back into PRO game, wez ended up on 100 f1, and we started basically 2-0 down to server troubles.


Good idea, still nice people put time and effort into organising these little events, but non the less alot could of been done to improve the results.

For me the worst thing in the picking was the lottery effect on such small numbers, there was a equal amout of good tier players to spread out imo.

Servers need more of a headstart to setup and maybe in tourney mode next time so it wont start too a full server, maps need adjusting (asthenosphere) for example.

Timing was harsh, mid-week and little notice.. ok you managed it (hats off) but the rushing of it was maybe the downfall of it.

All in all thanks, and too sphere.. expected more than that cheapness.
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I'm flattered, jas. Wasn't aware I was one of the most renowned bouncers :D
with the server thing, i can understand happens to me all the time. You need more time then you actually think you do when setting up otherwise it delays everything.

-better for several people to discuss and pick the teams

-better to seed/group each player and pick based on the groupings, but taking into account the the skills of players like wish and twnz and group them up with the slightly weaker players in each grouping.

-Rand picking is never going to be fair with such a small group and vast array of skill.

There will always be one team that stands out once teams are picked, this is any any team sport/game ever. but with good team picking you can limit how much better they are then the others and make it so that each team can beat the other.

Next time set it to 6 maybe, 8 is too long.

Most of the problems today were due to server setup though, maybe it will be better next time.

While it was actually enjoyable and i really wanted to do better then 4-1, but I was really annoyed because i could not perform at my best, my mouse is new and i havent been able to configure it correctly, just doesnt feel right!!
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Servers need more of a headstart to setup and maybe in tourney mode next time so it wont start too a full server, maps need adjusting (asthenosphere) for example.

Tournament mode was on according to the server setup. I don't know if there's any possibility to make it not start until server is full in LeagueAS. (There probably is, but I've never seen one being used)

I agree maps should've been sorted out earlier. I think Torp just expected the servers to have newer maps.
The server didn't even have the final version of AS-TheDungeon]l[, which is a league map, and only had AS-AsthenosphereSE_preview2c, which we played.

I enjoyed playing ProAS again, even though I wish I'd been on a team where I wasn't the only one with a mic. Would've made it funnier for me.
But thx Torp for arranging this, and I look forward to the beating we'll get whenever the final comes around :)

l:lol:l'd when promax started screaming at wish "WHERE U GET BELT" on GolgothaAL. What a noob :teehee:
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I blame Torp for not checking the servers when I gave them to him the day before! Should have been a copy of the pug server but im guessing its a copy of an older pug server setup!

As for tournie mode, not possible in LAS.
Server will start match countdown as soon as its set, 3 minutes until warmup map starts or until everyone clicks in, whichever is first. Once warmup is completed you get 60 seconds between maps or until everyone clicks in, again whichever is first.
However it is possible to increase the timings.
our team was a riot, lololing on ts really made it great fun :D
proas really changes the game in a fun refreshing way
i got a sense of more team awareness and better defenses- maybe i just had a good team
im not sure why :bawling: have to bitch about everything, bitch when winning, bitch when losing, bitch about spamming in a game about spam, torp lagged like a mofo but it was known he even got kapowed by ace several times-
it was a successful night! lets be positive

some hillarious shit

-hispeed- i give incoming to fighting one ert? on roof, fish comes last 2 secs after uzi to help and manages to teamkill me, uzi and himself, leaving ert all alone up there :) gj there fish! all he does is giggle on ts. :D

-still setting hammers on most objs= teamkill lol fest

-rook uzi teamkills the team for enforcer ammo, "sorry mate i needed your ammo"

-asthenosphere- me dirz finally push up to lounge thingy? - i think dirz gets a multi covering- uzi comes from behind us with pads and 6 loaded rockets- indiscriminate spam into dirz +pogo= DOUBLE KILL- obj doenst go for another 2mins :D

-hispeed, rook, spamosphere old shit version- great maplist everyone on both teams joking about dog standard :rofl:

thank you those who made it all happen :dj::arsemiss:
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I checked the servers but need a bit of experience to check and make sure everything will flow!

A couple of maps not being on server messed on the initial start I did so I had to restart server and then I made a basic error on riv3 which I solved by manually changing the next map.

Ah well, remember this was my first time setting a server! :(

Next month I will possibly do another proas, maybe stdas or ias I don't know yet, but all feedback will be considered for planning the next one.

Thanks to MyM for servers and html, maxiz, shadowwraith and waynos for assisting.

FINAL IS ON SUNDAYl Team Bounce -- vs -- Mix of T3 and Team AFK!!!