Survivor assault

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<B>When i grow up i wanna be like Gandalf The Grey
Jan 28, 2005
is pretty fun

it's been done for quite a while in NA and is very enjoyable.

here are the basic requirements:
-10 to 18 people willing to play
-1 server admin willing to manually arrange the whole thing and enforce the rules if need be
-leagueas auth must be turned off

Now here are the steps that were followed yesterday in a #naat survivor:
1) everyone first gathering in irc we got 14 people + 1 admin
2) on the call of the admin everyone joined the server with his nick being a number between 1 and 999 (digits only no twenty-two or stuff like that)
3) the server is opened no pw and people should be able to switchteams so that theres the same number of ppl on
each team
4) it should be set in tournament mode so that everyone needs to click for it to start
5) now the first map is a warmup for everyone and people may change their number during or right after that map (like if they revealed themselves accidentally with a bind or joining the server with their real name, stuff like that)
6) every new map the teams are random
note: the maps are the choice of the admin and he may or may not be influenced by players in game
7) before the first map starts the admin explains the rules:
RULES: from the first map to the end players are not allowed to change their nick anymore, every map an objective will be designated as "immunity", the player who gets the immunity gets to vote a player off his own team at the end of the map.
8) the first map is played and 1 players is voted off each team by the persons who got immunity, so now its 6v6
9) the admin states the immunity at the start of the map and the map is played untill 1 is voted off each team

repeat step 9 untill its down to 3v3

10) at 3v3, at the end of the second round of the map the player who got immunity, in the winning team (of this map) gets to pick his partner for a 2v2 amongst the 4 players left (2 in his team and 2 in the other team, excluding the guy that got immunity), the guy who got immunity for that map on the losing team gets to pick his partner for 2v2 from the 3 players remaining. The remaining 2 are considered voted off

players reveal themselves once the teams for 2v2 are picked, not before!, and a bo3 or bo5 depending if other ppl wanna play after is played with the fixed 2v2 teams, each team gets to pick a map in turn the winning team in 2v2 is declared the winner of that survivor. (I've won once with squirrel and got into final 2v2 about 5 times in say... 20 survivor nights)

-teams may be picked by a pugbot style and then the blue team and red team would be fixed and known by all who are the 6 (or more) on each team but still you cant be sure who you voted off your team so theres still a thrill.

-everyone may be required by the admin to use the same skin/voice to further the anonimity (but even if thats not required players can change their usual skin/voice if they want anyway, and maybe in an effort to fool other ppl, like using the mym skin if ur not mym and ping low...

- everyone can join the same teamspeak channel but that could be risky and perhaps give away someones identity

further notes:
- the immunity is usually given with secondary immunities in case the defence succesfully defend first immunity
i.e.: on the picture on lavafort, the admin is saying, final is the immunity, if the time ends and defence defended the base, its fuses 2, if fuse 2 was defended its the lift, then the entrance cave.
- the person with immunity can vote himself off the game if he cant find the will to kick someone off his team :P (it happends but its rare)
- after the people are voted off each map they can come back and spec and reveal themselves, if they want to, they are not forced to do so
- people should disable/not use any common bind they have that could reveal their identity (the point of this is to stay anonymous)
- usually if the person with immunity have no idea of the skills of people in his team he USUALLY votes the highest pinger off in hopes of keeping the best players in to win the 2v2 later on
- chatting ingame is possible but not totally recommanded, lies can take place which can lead to pretty funny stuff when people finally reveal themselves (like yesterday kaz was allegedly voted off 2 times yet he made it to the final 2v2 cuz people lied)
- if a problem happends (like a player leaving) or a situation isnt covered in the rules, the admin have full power to decide what to do, (like kicking people out and getting subs, forcing the subs to be voted out after next map or give them a chance to stay in by forcing a name scramble of everyone etc...)

general comments:
- these survivors are generally pretty fast since both teams are totally disorganised, its between the pug and the pub because in pubs its disorganised, but survivor is a step forward since everyon wants to do his best not to be voted off/to get the immunity first and people want to impress people around them to avoid being voted off. (for example its pretty rare that the people darksiding someone to victory on siege (if final is immunity), its rare that the winner of the map/immunity will vote the person who launched him because hes gratefull of that, so its a disorganised hard competition with the thrill of being voted off rather then just losing (winning or losing is pretty unimportant untill 3v3)
- its really fun, perhaps you guys should give it a try, (if an admin can be found to host it all)

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maybe something that should be tryed out: a hybride between LMS and AS:

Last man assaulting:

every player gets 5 lifes par map. (like in LMS)
Attackers can earn 1 extra life for the whole team par objective completed
so defense has to carefully choose where to defend by this disadvantage

(Maybe not that great for all AS maps)
maybe something that should be tryed out: a hybride between LMS and AS:

Last man assaulting:

every player gets 5 lifes par map. (like in LMS)
Attackers can earn 1 extra life for the whole team par objective completed
so defense has to carefully choose where to defend by this disadvantage

(Maybe not that great for all AS maps)

i think that's not a bad idea wim.
would like to try you're idea :nod:
maybe something that should be tryed out: a hybride between LMS and AS:

Last man assaulting:

every player gets 5 lifes par map. (like in LMS)
Attackers can earn 1 extra life for the whole team par objective completed
so defense has to carefully choose where to defend by this disadvantage

(Maybe not that great for all AS maps)

I'm willing to set up the American IAC server for a Survivor Assault pickup TONIGHT or Saturday night. Idle around in #survivor and see if we get any pickups :)