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thanks for all the feedback guys, most ideas uttered here I completly agree with ... so much that im considering hosting a "revenge" survivor march 10th or 17th

what issues would be fixed?

1. very valid point wish never thought of that but server will not be broadcasted in server browser so cant check pings that way :thumb:
2. i will try to control myself in spec mode and other specs as well as to not draw attention on top players for doing good things (SORRY DJ YOUR WARRIOR ATTACK WAS JUST TOO AWESOME) EXCEPT if someone has 2 topfrags in a row THEN i will still spam the shit out of his nick as i want to make immunities as hard to get as possible and turning your own team against you is part of that... think carefully about getting top frags, it is a double edged sword and im making sure the edges stay sharp!
3. hd texture bug should be fixed thx to mym
4. tunnel should be up thx to timo
5. teamsay chat MAY be muted if timo finds a way to code a mutator for that
6. gladiator and warmup stay in but ill start the event 1 or 2 hours early to compensate 6-7 gmt.
7. might open up to 24 slots since interest was high

is there any interest? it would be sunday the 10th or 17th
also what time would you like 6 or 7 gmt
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I cant see why teamsay is an issue, surely part of all this is the bluff about who people are. Dont really agree with outside influence making people aware of others actions in game though.
both dates are fine, not a problem if it starts earlier.

I cant see why teamsay is an issue as well, we had no trouble in red team...
ofc sometimes ppl talk crap but why you guys care? just ignore them, there's no way they can be 100% sure of who are who, why bother?!
if ppl vote based in what others say... I'm not even say what they are...
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17th I'll be tired as fuck from attending/organizing a LAN that weekend, so sign me up for 17th!
My story: First rounds try to be in middel with frags and spectate teamplayers a bit to figure out who's fooling the team and who's playing normal, what players are upfront fragging and what players are in the back. Until 7v7, at this time you need to get immunity and vote ppl of by sneeking and aiming for objectives. I just picked the top fraggers when i had immunity, sorry for that. I had some luck there tho at 4v4 and 3v3 by not get voted out and picked for the 2v2 (tried to be in the middle with frags again. I enjoyed the game and it was cool to be in the semi finals with cyborg, to bad we could not win and lost with 18 secs.

Thanks for organize Html I was 51.
i may try reinstall UT for a game of survivor if you make one in march, sounds like fun!

is there a list of the rules anywhere though as it looks complicated ! lol