Sue Happy?

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Crazy Squirrel

<b>***** *****istrator</b><br>Keeper of the BOOM S
May 28, 2001
London, UK
Sue Happy?

Something that really gets on my nerves are all those adverts which tell you to claim for injury, no win no fee etc etc..
It seems to me that in the last few years everyone is being encouraged to seek claims for even the smallest injurys. I think one of the example claims on one of the adverts is tripping over a loose paving slab and getting a few thousand quid, look where you are going!!
Recently in the news it was reported that several schools banned certain playground games in fear of being sued. Obviously its time and money that the education system can't spare so they ban playing. You can't wrap kids up in cotton wool, its part of growing up geting cuts, scrapes, the odd broken bone or whatever.

I can't find any figures yet...

And why is it that damages awarded in court always seem way too large or way too small?

Link to check out:
Because, believe it or not, there is a book setting out exactly what compensation the courts can award if you lose a limb, eye, finger etc.
Thur I am hoping you will be a deal more informed on this issue than myself.
But are'nt personal injury claims and liability claims down to what the main man in the wig decrees?

It appears that the victims of enormous miscarriages of justice and those that have been seriously injured at work etc, get piss poor payouts compared to people that have been called a fat knacker by another celebrity!

Are damages really awarded on merit or are they down to what the Judge feels like awarding?
Appears that we are getting more and more like America where u can claim for the most ridiculous of things.
The dumb woman who spilled hot coffee on her thighs whilst driving off from McDonald's? She got minted for being a prat!
Ive noticed this growing trend as well...and I find the whole thing very concerning. During day time TV, particularly on the satelite & cable channels every 3rd ad seems to be from a `phone & claim' company. Its obviously the cheapest time to `air' such adverts but whos watching them at such times? Mothers of small children, thats who.

Im afraid its the wonderful law industry looking for ways to boost capital intake. I know that we (UK) are always said to be following the USA but sometimes I think we are actually closing the gap far to rapidly :(
everything is someones fault, no one can responsbility for themselves anymore, this is not helped by people throwing promises of thousands of £'s your way if do decide to sue someone! Various examples like woman suing MacDonalds coz she burnt hre mouth on the coffee and believing they were at fault for not writing a warning on the cup... cant rem the outcome, but I'm sure she won... yada yada yada
Nah Tanz-she bought a coffee at the drive in and put it btwn her thighs whilst driving. She drove off and spilled it on her thighs, scalding herself.
And she wins her case against McD's for their negligence!
I am lead to believe the warning on apple pies having a hot filling was cos some schmuck burnt their mouth and sued.

What a mad world we live in.
I can drive under the influence, mow u down and render u a paraplegic and it will take you a decade to win a fractiopn of the damages that coffee woman got:crap:
what the fook is this country comming too, when i was kid climbing frames adveture playgrounds etc etc where all the rage at schools you where almost made to do dodgy stuff and fuck me we enjoyed it, wrapping up kids in cotton wool like this is bad for them after all dont we learn from our mistakes ?
Ye totally agree, companies like claims direct (Sneers) shoud be banned, and compensation should only be award in cases where true negligence has lead to injury :\
what ever happened to common sense? i mean really, it seems some things are so simple people don't think about it or somethin.

and on a side note, i just wish this forum doesn't evolve into the 'lets blame stuff on the US forum' :(
lol im sure it wont LR m8 :D

Fox hunting is a truely british sport, and murders happen everywhere :D

Although, you do have to admit all this sueing ppl business did kick off in the US first :)
yes but the reason for it is the goverments fault, ie you get any sort of leagal aid in this sort of case anymore making the no win no fee very tempting instead
Can I play Devil's Advocate for a moment and say that there are times when you might think no way you can'y sue for that.


Vanessa and I were walking from my Mum's house back to our own at night, whilst turning into our street Vanessa tripped on a hole in the pavement and twisted her ankle pretty badly. Now I have to admit, even when she fell and I asked what happened, it took me a good few seceonds of looking before I found the hole. If she has broken it and decieded to sue I wonder what the outcome would have been. Blame has to be put somewhere but where, yes it was her fault she wasn't looking where she was going, but at the same time, how long had the hole been there, why was the way the street lights arranged giving no light to that part of the street.

I'm not saying straight off that there should be times when you can sue for anything, but some poeple do have legitimate claims for these companies.

I know one of those ads that CS is talking about has a young teenage, hardly able to speak coz he's so thick guy on TV admitting that he was at work and poured hot tar over himself and he got ££££'s - well those take the piss. If he hadn't had the proper training to use the bucket of hot tar then fair point, in fact it should prolly go the other way, his employer could fire of sue him for using a piece of euipment he wasn't trained or certified on.

Need to go work now, but have another example when I get there.
Originally posted by BBStr@nge
But are'nt personal injury claims and liability claims down to what the main man in the wig decrees?

FS!!!!!11!!!1 You mean Daz decides how much compensation people get for injuries and stuff???????? :nono:

Seriously though, Personal Injury is not an area I know terribly much about. Kemp's "Quantum of Damages" would be a starting point in Scotland, and there is a fixed table of compensation for Criminal Injuries. - eg: FYI, loss of one eye will get you compensation of £25,000. Loss of both gets you £100,000. Dunno about you, but my eyesight is beyond price frankly.

That amount you get will often result from several "heads of claim" - eg:

1. Fixed tarriff for a particular loss.
2. Solatium (Pain and Suffering).
3. Loss of earning capacity etc.

You're also afaik allowed to raise a civil action against someone at the same time as you pursue a criminal action against them. Thing about a civil action is it is easier to prove your case. It only needs to be "on the balance of probabilities" as opposed to "beyond all reasonable doubt" in criminal actions.

In general, previous case law will be what the court uses to gauge how much you should get.
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i hate the fact that ppl cant deal with their own responsibility
putting a cat into a microwave to dry it ffffffffffffssssssssss
i wonder y anybody hasnt tried to sue mcdonalds or burger king for too greasy food lol :D
maybe just a matter of time :\
Originally posted by «)Fîrë$±ørm(»
i hate the fact that ppl cant deal with their own responsibility
putting a cat into a microwave to dry it ffffffffffffssssssssss
i wonder y anybody hasnt tried to sue mcdonalds or burger king for too greasy food lol :D
maybe just a matter of time :\
The law suit is in progress at teh moment Fire ... McDs are getting sued for making fat people fat.
Gimme 5 minutes to find the BBC News article on it !
They already have, there is a man in America suing various fast food chains as we speak, because he is obese. His point of view is they should put warnings on the food to say that it's bad for you, and I'd put £10 down that he'll win the case.

O M G how fucked up is that? Everyone knows fast food is fattening - its a burger, or course its cooked in fat - you can even see it being done in most places while you order. imho they should give him a diet book and a health eating guide and tell him to f0.

Edit: posted at the same time as Mughi, I'll let her do the background research :p: :D

"A group of overweight Americans have sued several US fast food giants accusing them of knowingly serving meals that cause obesity and disease.

The lawsuit - filed in New York State Supreme Court in the Bronx - says that McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's and Kentucky Fried Chicken misled customers by enticing them with greasy, salty and sugary food. "
I know :nono: Makes you think there should maybe be a "You must be this intelligent to sue here" sign outside :nono: