slow spec mode

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Oct 18, 2001
just been spectating a bit on a few ONS maps, and the freecam is &^#%$^#@%! slow it's annoying the shite out of me, anyone know of any way to speed up the cam so i can fly to where the action is faster then in 5 mins?
hmm ..... dont think so, unless you can find a way to teleporting the freecam, dunno if you can teleport it to different nodes maybe? But just increasing the speed of it would mean you would have to increase the speed of everything else, like in UT99.

:( Ill look into it more though thats just a guess.
Joko said:
hmm ..... dont think so, unless you can find a way to teleporting the freecam, dunno if you can teleport it to different nodes maybe? But just increasing the speed of it would mean you would have to increase the speed of everything else, like in UT99.

:( Ill look into it more though thats just a guess.
Now ur at it Joko Fo here aswell u cunt
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you think its possible to change spectator fly speed online? I doubt that very much ... but show me ... and ill gladly admit im wrong :D

Now ur at it Joko Fo here aswell u cunt

Nice grammar laddy :D. I prolly woulda got banned for saying that in here :rolleyes:
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forgive apex jockstraps he doesn't know ur a cunt yet :freak:

and i'd hoped it could be sped up a little cus speccin is taking the piss :yawn:
you can jump between players and maybe you can somehow exploit that to be able to jump between places aswell :confused: just a guess maybe someone can do it :D
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i thought we were talking about changing the speed of the spec?

Anyway, you can DEFO teleport players between nodes online, you just have to be standing on it. Havent tried it with the freecam though...
i rememebr in tactical ops it was possible to change the aliases.

Aliases[2]=(Command="Axis aBaseY Speed=+300.0",Alias="MoveForward")
Aliases[3]=(Command="Axis aBaseY Speed=-300.0",Alias="MoveBackward")
Aliases[6]=(Command="Axis aStrafe Speed=-300.0",Alias="StrafeLeft")
Aliases[7]=(Command="Axis aStrafe Speed=+300.0",Alias="StrafeRight")
Aliases[8]=(Command="Jump | Axis aUp Speed=+300.0",Alias="Jump")
Aliases[9]=(Command="Button bDuck | Axis aUp Speed=-300.0",Alias="Duck")

i simply changed all those values to somethign a lot higher and the spec mode flew a lot faster. it didnt take any effect on the actualy walkspeed as that was enforced serverside.
i dont know if this works with 2k4 or if its blocked, but its worth a try.