Sek 2 - Fdc 8

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New Member
Jun 8, 2001
Bah, we were really unlucky this time. First we couldn't mangaged to get bridge final objective with enough time left. Then 3 ppl let a jumper pass for warhead on ballistic. Last but not least we lost rook by 2 seconds after over 2 minutes of awesome def with only 5 ppl. We didn't play bad, just chaotic. Execpt Siege, where we managed to def it over 8 mins. I hope we get this sorted soon, otherwise Tradolf's wish will come true and we go back to div5 ;)

it wasn't only bad luck
you could see FDC was very well organised..
We may have better individual skills but without a proper organisation you won't win :P

I know we never have that, but we can try it again with the good old tax :)


I want to say thanx for tha nice match...
And remind tha Phoenix wot contract he signed on FDC forums :lol:

Thanx SEK
very well organised...

We always think we are organised like shit and the opponant is well organised :D

to be honest, playin BiB just before you did warm us up a bit, and to be really honest, i haven't had this much luck in a war ever...

the warloader was mine, and besides a bit of bad def (not seeing me) it was sheer luck in the end when i got flacked "ON" the switch and still had it

Frigate 3 people of you got flacked of by a switchcamper, allthough any of these could have gotten it, cous you can't physically block that switch, there's always a side free to touch it

Every bit of bad luck we had against BiB (which was a shitload) returned as luck in the SEK war

well played SEK, it was great fun! next time it's ur time for the good luck ;)
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Although i wasnt there, I can see we got owned :P
Thats coz the Smurf :smurf: wasnt there to help sek :(