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Jun 8, 2001
Denver, CO
I saw this posted on another UT forum and thought it was a cool question. Think back during your UT days, there has to be a few key rivalries that you will always remember as some of the better ones. Try to tell a little about this, and what made it good.

One that stands out for me is Muffin. I loved when Muffin was on the other team. He was always a class act and was always someone that I could expect to have some awesome battles with. Numerous times have we killed each other, neither of us getting the upper hand. Muffin made me raise my game level for that map knowing he was on the other side!

Who were your great rivalries?
oh come now both of those were boring... :snore: There has to be someone you had a rivalry with during your playing time. Someone you always played a lot harder when they were on the server.
I started out in FFF1
trying to hunt down. Gohan, Running_man, and Neo from FU as well as Come_get_sum, and A_X_I_L.

(I used to hunt CGS all the time)

Then I moved my playing to the east coast assault server

Skyhawk, Dagma(or something like that) and Alien where the main rivals there. I miss DrugBust that was some good spam.

Now I hunt gravedigger, bonedaddy and sypher.
I never really hunted down someone to play against but I did look for people I enjoyed playing with. Jammer and Digs were the two guys I'd always look for. Joe was right there too and of course my hero Styles. Their the ones that kept me going.

I still remember when I found the NA assault forum and I was looking for some help to get better and Joe was nice enough to respond "your pretty good already!" Nice to know he is still full of shit after all these years.

I always liked playing against Ender since he was the first guy I saw go godlike. It's one of those things that makes you want to play more to see how well you've advanced your game skills. Also loved playing against the HoE guys.
For assault: Um......any of the FU guys because when I first started playing assault I always played on their servers.

For ctf: Um.....Some dude named [K]PcViper before he joined K and that's bout it....... : (
I'd always chase down Diuretic or Mainframe of UfM fame. I also liked to play against KingKilla.

Mainframe was the first guy I saw on a UT server, and I like to fight people that know how to mini.

Diuretic and KK were just awesome duelers, and trying to get by them was a lot of fun.
Way back when I used to look for this GIJOE guy and Padawan. They were always good sports and a good challenge ;)