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Originally posted by Psychotic

Ohh and "xenophobia" too plz, nice nick :D


jk :cuddle:

Why should they ban me, even if a dont care i wanna know why, u think i should be banned

sug kuk din jävla idiot.
Originally posted by Obrero
as for Usama I do think the destruction of WTC was justified but I wont discuss my political views on utasleague forums....feel free to icq me if you want to argument. And as for banning me go ahead ala british crybaby style.....its always good to get rid of someone if he has too good arguments right? JFK!!

WTC = 0wned! Heil Usama
*** Arbeit Macht Frei ***

ban this guy fast pls...he is the greatest lamer i ever saw
im not qualified to post in this thread really!!

but ffs the world is never going to achieve utopia with so many people willing to hurt people.
murdering thousands of people in the WTC was an act of pure evil and he should be HUNTED like an ANIMAL and his followers.

I can understand that groups of people are being ignored by those they ask for help or to put and end to suffering. put if you are being ignored there really is no ABSOLUTELY no need to resort to terrorism, that will only anger those you wanted to help and will probably not recieve any help then.

germans thing - long time ago let it rest!! pff fs grow up and open you mind to things.

black people - absolutely nothing wrong with being black. although what the white man has done to the black man in history has really upset me. so they have different skin color so fucking what. i got brown eyes does that make me inferior no it doesnt.

there is so much wrong with the world that it will take alot of time and educating, i know i know little about peoples histories and religions thats why i keep my mouth shut.

but what really insenced me was his attitude it sucked.

i hope you never get found by they people you slag off.

i think anyone with racist comment should be banned immediately

thats all i can say really.

let the peace begin
can you please explain what you mean with
arbeit macht frei

You want to re-open auswitsch or something?

You have a sick and twisted worldview little boy.
Originally posted by Obrero
most germans are still nazis and they should be proud of their country and not whine like pussies.
i didnt know *se was just a racism clan. fo with these commands fs :mad:
and yes, im proud about my country like it is now and not 50 years ago. you dont even know where the word "nazi" comes from, shut up and go home bitch
when do people stop taking opinions from other people instead of learning the facts and making up their own mind about things?
Originally posted by Obrero
as for Usama I do think the destruction of WTC was justified but I wont discuss my political views on utasleague forums....feel free to icq me if you want to argument. And as for banning me go ahead ala british crybaby style.....its always good to get rid of someone if he has too good arguments right? JFK!!

Attitudes like that are what cause all the misery and suffering in the world. The killing of innocent people who were unable to defend themselves and who had nothing to do with the issue in contention is never justifiable.

"Freedom of speech" is a two way street. You have the right to express yourself freely, but by signing up for membership of these forums, you agreed to bind yourself by, and abide by the rules in force on them. Basic common sense, to say nothing of manners, and possession of a brain capable of reasoning should tell you straight away that expressing support for murder and racism is not going to make you many friends.

British crybabies? OK, while we're generalising about nothing in particular, lets take a look at the British military record. I see a string of 0wnage by the UK stretching back more years than most countries have been in existence. So, any time your big tough country wants to take us on, just try it. Better people than you have tried and failed.

I am a UK citizen who has previously lived in both Switzerland and Germany for some years, and find your comments like "All Germans are still Nazi's" to be ill-informed, racist and evidence of an immature mind. I've even had German people apologise to me as a UK citizen for the past actions of their countrymen, which I found very embarassing. Whatever the Bible says, I judge a person on what they have said or done, and not on what their ancestors did or said, or what people from the same country as them did or said.

/Edit: And dragging Spirit's girlfriend into your tirade of nastiness is yet another example of your despicable nature.
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Zeuss dont drag all members in [*.se] in this.
There are a few of em that dont have the same view as the others that has posted. :)
about time we all chilled out and ignored the racists untill they wanna talk sense.
plus it has been metioned alot but ffs close this thread and ban the racists
lets take a look at the British military record
The falklands war.. =). thing is u dont know crap about Usama and US. when it comes to USA you all look past it and say "yeah they do some things wrong but that doesn't justify blah blah". They've done lots of things more than good ol trusty Usama and he goes and does one "wrong" thing and you be outraged and stuff. Why cant you see more than that is close to home. The western way of thinking is pure black and white "He is bad he is good". U think your so smart and shit. But plz study the history Biatch. Learn more and the US than what the news says. All you ever do is look up some shit in the papers going Usama did this and that Al qaeda this and that. Guess what. Theyt wont write what USA does. cuz they are the one that writes it. Question. If i kill your mother to get money. would you avenge me, if i threw you out of youer country and gave it to some1 else just like that. would you be enraged? they cant do more than resort to terrorism. they hate USA just like you hate me BIAAAATCH! :)
where did you grow up m8?
because you are the most irratating little prick i ever had the misfortune to come across. terrorism is WRONG you stupid s.o.b
ffs you are very lame. (holding back the insults :( sorry )
get a life and piss off you scum sucking twat :angry:

do you even research your info before posting ( i dont but fo im not on trial) you lame twat.
i didnt know *se was just a racism clan. fo with these commands fs

Stop accusing the whole clan will ya, that's as bad as saying that all germans are nazi's. This is exactly what you are talking about when complaining on Obrero, that he takes everyone for being the same. How do you know that every member in *.se ís nazis? And how do you even know that Obrero is one (eventhough he might act like one in here).

Now you are doing the same, you should be ashame of yourself. This thread doesn't lead to a single thing more than all the ones that are complaining are making a fool of themselves in the end..

I do not defend anyone but you said yourself that it was wrong to judge ppl that way and now you have gone to far, therefore I did comment it, and if you don't admit that a comment like that was wrong then you are just like those who you accuse. I am sure that you guys don't mean it but then you should take it back.

And about other comments I think it's bad to flame back the way ppl do in here, using same bad words like the ones being attacked. And I am sure that not even 90% of you don't know the background of this and ppl escalating this issue from the start.

This thread leads to nothing.. u could discuss this forever and in the end u will only say something bad urself that someone in here did (referring to quote).

Please apologize!

((I am not a Nazi or an *.se member, just a person who think you should be fair and treat persons the same way))
the only thing that sets people apart is the way the handle knowledge.
if you aint got knowledge dont say anything.
if you do dont abuse it.
well mr neon. U wanna be hateful or reasonable. Was i wrong? I just wanna erase the ignaroance displayed here
/Originally posted by Thuringwethil Edit: And dragging Spirit's girlfriend into your tirade of nastiness is yet another example of your despicable nature.

It wasn't until you mention that Obrero that I decided to bother reply to you pathetic opinions as quite frankly I my time is more precious than responding to you. However I DO NOT appreciate being dragged into this thread how fucking dare you. And for you information I am not black, but I guess it doesnt really matter black, German, Green or Purple you take issue with them all.

Your comments about the WTC disaster are totally out of line whatever American has done no country on this earth deserves that , I take particular issue with that as 2 close members of my fmaily narrowly missed being killed in the atrocitiies.

Your ignorant, pathetic, narrow minded, and racist views are not welcome in our community, and you have no place here or in fact anywhere.
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Oh fs stop it. You're all equal wankers.

Terrorism is bad. Human rights is good.

Both Usama and the US government are terrorists, they both violate Human Rights and they both should just fucking stop it.

That is all there is too it.

There's no excuse for violating Human Rights. None.

(That includes acts of terrorism against civilians and it includes holding 600+ people in cages for a year without charging them, without trial and without letting them see lawyers or family)

Who's worse really is irrelevant. They should all stop.
Fuck history, there's no way to stop it all without laying down arms, coming to terms with the past and then working from the now.

Now kiss and make up or I'll send you too your rooms without dinner!:grouphug:
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