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Assault MasteR

I first want to tell you i am really sorry for my behaviour in some posts ive gone a bit nuts these lasts days and i wanted to tell you guys some of the reasons, I live in a village of 600 ppl where discrimination is still a common sight most ppl in my village and the 1s surrounding it contain ppl that are discriminators its not easy growing up here my folks own a cafe so almost every day when i was young and they still do they talk about black ppl thats y some of my deepest feelings came out so i want to appoligise once more and tell you that im in councilling for 1 day a month now i hope you can all understand :(
Re: huh ?

1) i find that excuses generally don't work
2) :lol: @ mez
Re: huh ?

Okay, so let me get this straight. You live in a village of 600 white people who are prejudice against black people so therefore you have to have counciling once a month.

d00d...its a village of 600 freakin people. Thats 6 freakin hundred! Get some gonads and straighten their asses out for Christ sakes.

I have like 600 people in my family alone. Err...wait. Your probably all related as well. Bummer. Okay then...MOVE! You live in a village of 600 people...MOVE!

Re: huh ?

Hmmm, so; noone could think of anything usefull besides sly remarks and PC attitudes?

I think it's kewl u realize ur views are considered distorted by most.
I am reall

I am really suprised at this i wish i could get my hands on them and kill them then make them into doner kebabs and supply plonko with unlimited kebabs !

Re: I am reall

Doggy has a point,you can't fix something until you know its wrong.
We all know prejudice stinks,but people can change,i hope :)
Re: I am reall

All this because you said division 4 sucks?

Re: I am reall

Ah yes, my trademark fashionable late entrance...

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for some good soul searching, but I find it a little worrying when something that happens here seems to prompt a need for counselling <img src= ALT=":\">

Of course, since I don't know what's been going on, I should probably just shut up..
