Radical new idea!...

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Bossk please don't tell me you never broke the rules in life ever?

Did you never speed in your car? Should you be banned from driving for life for breaking a speed limit?

Cheat on a pointless test at school? Be banned from school from when you did it and not be allowed a proper education?

Banning people permanently is pointless and beyond the purpose of it. Punishing people is for 1 purpose, to aid in them learning from their mistakes, that is why in the majority of walks in life, nothing is permanent in terms of punishment. Be that sport, school, minor offences, drink driving, even murder.

Serial cheats and you have a point.

Ever heard of lifetime prison or death sentence ?
You mean those sentences when they're up for parole after 25 years? Ah them.

Life doesn't mean life and the only ever time it has/does is when the death penalty existed. Looks like some states in USA still have it right :)
Death penalty seems to be a bit more popular than just couple states of America.

Imagine ur girlfriend telling u she got gangbanged all day long, would you temp ban her or permanently ban her ?
Or a friend stealing u stuff, abusing ur trust etc, will u temp ban him or perm ?
Those exemple are subjective, and so is the "anti-cheaters" thingy. So comming with arguments about cheating the Society, where Justice tend to be as much objective as possible, is irrelevant imo :P

/end of trolling :snot:
It's not the fault of people who are good at sniping, or mini.
It's the fault of the maps...

AS maps are basically sniper+mini and sometimes a variation on that with rocket launchers on backdef...
AS needed more pulse for mini, and shock for sniper imo! That would be a fun mod!

I agree, Blame grz for that :shout::rolleyes: but all of his maps got basicly the same weapons all over the place. If you try somthing new you get flamed for shitty weapon layout. :o
vampire, bioassaultNA, UWMS, guardia][, siege]l[ and to a lesser extent the dungeon and iseal][ are all shock based maps and they all own! except iseal][