Question to Ace (about admin)

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System Malfunction

I remember you posted your user.ini/guides about administration of server in a while. Cant find it - could you please post link?

Greatly thanks in advance.
Re: Question to Ace (about admin)

Also I submitted a binds guide to utassault, which will prolly be up soon. And I done a thing where u just select gametype, # of players etc and it makes a .txt file in ur system dir of ut. I may update it in an hour or so if I can be bothered. Anyway read below for commands and maybe try and get hold of darkheart for some more help.

So what u do is copy all the commands into a .txt document and save it in ur desktop,
leave it open while playing, then when u need a command, press f12 or alt-enter then copy
it, go back to ut, press tilde, paste it and restart the level
Or make .txt files with all the commands u want in seperate lines and place them in ur system dir and type in console exec admin.txt or bind exec admin.txt

also bind adminlogin <password> and adminlogout

and maybe change f12 to endfullscreen | say setting up server

adminlogin <adminpassword>

admin servertravel <mapname>
admin switchlevel <mapname>

The following will change gametype

admin servertravel CTF-Face.unr?game=Botpack.CTFGame
admin servertravel DM-Turbine.unr?game=Botpack.DeathMatchPlus
admin servertravel DM-Turbine.unr?game=Botpack.TeamGamePlus
admin servertravel AS-Overlord.unr?game=Botpack.Assault
admin servertravel DOM-Sesmar?game=Botpack.Domination

These will TOGGLE the mutaters on and off.
admin servertravel CTF-Face.unr?mutator=botpack.noredeemer
admin servertravel CTF-Face.unr?mutator=botpack.nopowerups
admin servertravel CTF-Face.unr?mutator=botpack.instagibDM
admin servertravel CTF-Face.unr?mutator=botpack.ChainsawMelee
admin servertravel CTF-Face.unr?mutator=botpack.FatBoy
admin servertravel CTF-Face.unr?mutator=botpack.FlakArena
admin servertravel CTF-Face.unr?mutator=botpack.InstantRockets
admin servertravel CTF-Face.unr?mutator=botpack.JumpMatch
admin servertravel CTF-Face.unr?mutator=botpack.LowGrav
admin servertravel CTF-Face.unr?mutator=botpack.PulseArena
admin servertravel CTF-Face.unr?mutator=botpack.RelicDefense
admin servertravel CTF-Face.unr?mutator=botpack.RelicRedemption
admin servertravel CTF-Face.unr?mutator=botpack.RelicRegen
admin servertravel CTF-Face.unr?mutator=botpack.RelicSpeed
admin servertravel CTF-Face.unr?mutator=botpack.RelicStrength
admin servertravel CTF-Face.unr?mutator=botpack.RelicDeath
admin servertravel CTF-Face.unr?mutator=botpack.RocketArena
admin servertravel CTF-Face.unr?mutator=botpack.ShockArena
admin servertravel CTF-Face.unr?mutator=botpack.SniperArena
admin servertravel CTF-Face.unr?mutator=botpack.Stealth

to do multiple changes just add question marks afterwoulds like this

admin servertravel CTF-Face.unr?game=Botpack.CTFGame?mutator=noredeemer?mutator=nopowerups?mutator=LowGrav

admin set engine.gameinfo maxplayers <#>
admin set engine.gameinfo maxspectators <#>
admin set engine.gameinfo gamepassword <password>
admin set engine.gameinfo bNoCheating <true|false>
admin set engine.gameinfo bMuteSpectators <true|false>
admin set engine.gameinfo bAllowFOV <true|false>
admin set engine.gameinfo AdminPassword
admin set engine.gameinfo bNoMonsters <true|false>

admin set botpack.CTFGame btournament <true|false>
admin set botpack.CTFGame bplayersbalanceteams <true|false>

admin set engine.gameinfo gamepassword <password>

admin set Botpack.CTFGame bUseTranslocator <true|false>
admin set Botpack.CTFGame GoalTeamScore <#>
admin set Botpack.CTFGame FriendlyFireScale <#>
admin set Botpack.CTFGame MaxTeamSize <#>
admin set Botpack.CTFGame TimeLimit <#>
admin set Botpack.CTFGame bNoMonsters <#>
admin set Botpack.CTFGame bForceRespawn <true|false>
admin set Botpack.CTFGame bMultiWeaponStay <true|false>

admin set Engine.GameReplicationInfo ServerName <new name>
admin set Engine.GameReplicationInfo ShortName <new name>
admin set Engine.GameReplicationInfo AdminName
admin set Engine.GameReplicationInfo AdminEmail
admin set Engine.GameReplicationInfo MOTDLine1
admin set Engine.GameReplicationInfo MOTDLine2
admin set Engine.GameReplicationInfo MOTDLine3
admin set Engine.GameReplicationInfo MOTDLine4
admin set Assault Netwait 55

to turn the pass off type admin set engine.gameinfo gamepassword

use get instead of set to c what values are set to.
for example admin get engine.gameinfo maxplayers
Re: Question to Ace (about admin)

Er Malf the server guide is posted on our forum ;)


I know. But I've compilled both and feel that its more useful then each on separately.
Re: ...

cool, I was gonna get round to that
u should submit it to Phear for the site imho :)