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But u have to be initiated...
U´re become our first crashtest dummie of our new assault type... :D

Ask the boss for more details...
ffs Drooz ur even more drunk than I were :rofl:

Guess how many times I fixed that post until sending it tho :lol:

Assault when drunk is gr8 tho, I 0wned the whole server last night :D
It was technically a n00b server but who cares :crazy:
Actually Spamdia can be pretty fun map if you don't spam with flak and sh0x...and as you can guess from my forum-behaviour, I never spam :D
Actually, I've never flaked from behind the boxes :eek:

I have very much shomboed from there though :D

And being teh l337 ASMD-artist I am :)arsemiss:) I usually ended up dead behind teh boxes too :lol: