på norsk

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Tone bekkestad :thumb:
talking of smuggling snus....

wish I'd bought shares in swe snus b4 somking ban in norway, hardly anyone took snus then and u only saw General in the shops, now lodsa people take it and all different types available.

Shame u cant get it in uk esp since smoking ban started in scotland otherwise I would got shares too. Mebby I'll start a wee undergound business getting snus into the uk and selling it to people who used to smoke in bars etc :D :D

I'll be rich mwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
btw if anyone is interested found a great wee proggy for english-norsk translations called "Clue", has swear words, phrases etc in it too ;) It does swe etc too I think.
fe faen hun har en fin fitte of puppa......lol mind u I learn enough rude shit from peeps at work.

Actually when I first came to live in bergen last year one bastard from work told me that "Kan jeg for din fin fitte?" meant "can I have a rare steak?". I asked a waitress that and my work friends were pissing themselves laughing FS! Still have to think how to get them back for that!

means "can I have your nice pussy" ion english...
snus sounds liek a good idea until u try to kick it, then its much much harder to quit than smoking.
foxy said:
"Kan jeg for din fin fitte?"
Should be: "Kan jeg få din fine fitte"

but seriously, :rofl:

and your first sentence of rude norwegian should be something like:
"Fy faen hun har en fin fitte og fine pupper"

for more norwegian insults/swearwords go http://www.insultmonger.com/swearing/index.htm , mind you, some of them are ridiculous, and the most used are faen, fitte, kødd, helvete, pikk...etc.

You should join [NAC] ts during a match one day or two m8 ;)

and yeah, I have Clue on portable pc, pretty nice imo.
another nice one is www.ordnett.no
basically the same thing but more stuff and webbased...
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