One UT3 sshot

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<b>League Adm</b><b>inistrator</b><br /><b>For</b>
Feb 25, 2004

I'v seen a lot before but this one made me :wow:

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The difference is that this is one of the brightest shots ive seen so far from UT3... most of the pictures look so dark, which is kinda boring...
I think this community is testament to the fact that gameplay > eye candy
True, but note that i posted environment screen shots of UE 3 possibilities.
In-game sshots doesn't looks so cool for me.
Looks like a hi-def version of a really bad dream you'd have after eating too much chinese food
finally someone can recreate minas tirith in full scale :!ola:
There are loads of movies out now that shows the gameplay from Comic Con. Just google it. Looks really good, the impact hammer is back as well and you can hammerjump! although the guy in the movie fucked the hammerjump 3 times lawl noob!
sshots and vids look very nice and all but i guess gameplay will suck sooo hard..

hopefully im wrong, impact hammer and proper sniper are positive signs :)

I'm too good to you guys! BU have loads of other stuff just have a browse, the game LOOKS very nice, just hope it plays as well. The characters still look pretty hard to pick out from the background but apparently it's something they are working on.

Sprite size was one of the main things I didn't like about UT2K4, though I did like the game in general. The bloody bots and other players were just too hard to hit and v fast moving. I'm a noob and I need some help from the size of the sprites, so hopefully this next release will have bots more UT-sized.
Yeah sure it looks nice, but I dont care about that whatsoever (lower system specs would only keep down the rape of my GFX card :sofa:). If the gameplay is half as good as 99 and I can get it to work properly on my computer Ill buy it and play :).
Flak secondary distance is very short.
PR secondary is not as powerful as UT or UT2k4.
Sniper Rifle has a red trail when fired.


Make a game with perfect weapons.
Realise they're perfect.
Get told they're perfect.
Change all of them in future versions.
