Official UTA PUG - Love Assault then Read more

  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

    Join our community @ for a pick-up game, or just to rekindle with fellow community members.

omfg how you you were able to discover my 1337 hidden text .... HAX! HAX!
I recommend everyone goes to PAGE 1 of this thread and reads the RULES as they have been Updated.

At the bottom you will notice some new Admins to UTAPUG.

Proto, Brajan and Kronik are three of them, they are active and will be making sure to enforce the rules to make sure things run smoother and to help anyone if required.

Thanks and welcome.

Additional: The League STATS used during wars will be made very soon available for PUG, so people can see how they play etc. This is up for testing and reviewing so let's see how it goes.
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Please be sensible with your choice of new/non standard maps, if the majority do not want to play a map do not force your choice upon them.
Hopefully though most people will give these new maps a fair try rather than writing them off because they are new and they cant be bothered to learn them.