Newbie intro nr. 123564561231

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New Member
Aug 22, 2006
Good day everybody

This is yet another "I need a clan" message I guess. A few things about me : I am male, nearing the 30s, a gamer since the age of 8 or so. I enjoy all sorts of games : Adventure, Combat, RPG, FPS... I am not focused on any particular style. I mostly play games once they are a few years old and have reached the "budget" shelf. This enables me to spend less per game, and thus have a fairly extensive collection. My FPS experience is mostly comprised of many Single Player games and of a goodly number of local LANs with the other local game addicts a few years back. The LANs were mostly CS, but there was also a good number of duels on Blood, and some UT from time to time. I rarely ranked 1st because my friend MID was just too damn good, but I did pretty well overall. My UT experience in multiplayer is somewhat limited, perhaps 300 matches or so, otherwise it is mostly Single Player, where I played through the main campaign countless times ( Adept ) and played countless practice sessions on Instagib ( Inhuman / Godlike ). My favorite mode is Instagib Assault, with Instagib CTF a close second, but I like them all. I might like to find a clan with a bunch of mature, good natured, & open minded players who like to frag and will have the patience required to handhold a newbie. Why UT? Because 7 years on, long after I got bored to death of CS, UT is still on my laptop and it's still one the games I love most. There's something about it, the balance, the maps, the controls, the way every single weapon is useful depending on the situation, that just feels *right*. I work office hours, so for me fragging time will have to be evenings & week ends. I am no longer a saturday night partygoer, unless it's a LAN, so that's fine by me as well. Please note I am moving house soon and should have net access there some time in October. In the meantime I can start familiarizing myself with the league maps. Tried Golgotha, Astenosphere and a few others yesterday, pretty fun.

All the best

Welcome to the UTA league and gl with searching a clan.
You may also try to join us on #utapug ... it's a good place to start with and learn maps/tricks and other stuff with best AS players.
Thank you all for the greeting. My time zone is GMT +1 as I live in the Netherlands. Languages spoken are English, French, and very, very basic Dutch.
If you're looking for a clan I'd suggest starting off in stdAS to learn the basics (online play is nothing like single player or even LAN). It might be best to seek out a clan yourself though or find someone who is willing to take the time to teach launches and maps to you first.
could always try pinging assault servers .... FCUK have own server and play on Thursday nights at about 7.30pm gmt. Always welcome to pop by there and kick our ass! Could show you the basics....after seven years of this game, thats the level i have reached! ;)
$au$je said:
this i find weird :uhh:
I have only been here a few months. Het is niet te goed, maar ik wil Nederlands leren. I think that's correct? Must add Dutch courses to my agenda sometime soon. Tried the league maps, I'm not struck on all of them, but the majority look like they will be a lot of fun. Looking forward to shooting your heads off.