n00 PC almost here

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What? No, I'm asking you, what?
Nov 6, 2001
I don't belieeeeeeve it! Amtraks had my new pc sitting in their storage depot for a week! Arrives tomorrow- finally! No longer will it crash in the middle of Overlord. W00t!

As for Amtrak, right in the eyes, it's all they deserve.:mingun:
Well it's really a secondary machine.

My 'work' machine's specs are on Saw's site and will come back home when this contract is over, although they may not let me nick their conn.

The n00 one is a 1.2 AMD, 1GB Ram and a Geforce 3 from Evesham. I have 512MB ADSL at home. When I get my attic converted soon I'll have a 3 pc network up there. Chuck in a Kg of charlie, a jacuzzi and a gang of hookers and it's parties around mine!
im thinking we could try out the hookers and the charlie before the pc's are ready......just a thought...

lmfao @ PFCT; absolute class m8 - hope you dont mind if I help you spread that acronym :rofl: in fact I might even start performing the RL version in the pub after work - sure DT will tell you how it goes :D

oh and finally wrt evesham - well whether i build my own pc or buy one from evesham is becoming a moot point as Jo informs me that redecorating the flat is more important than a new computer - I'm working on it though ;)
LOL...in fact so important that she's prepared to overlook your wh0ring and Class As vaccuming? Sounds like you're onto a winner.

Re: machine. What do u currently have? I might be able to help out.
apple my arse!

thx 4 the offer but its an iMac DV - nice machine but totally un-upgradeable - its stuffed with RAM but graphics card blows goats and cant be changed :(

ill prolly get a pc sometime next year - quite fancy building one meself just so i can learn about the blighters...
I'm finally going to re-install UT again as I've been having probs with either it or my windows.

Feel its prolly a good time for an upgrade also, finally decided on new case mobo chip memory heatsink & fan.

based on Epox 8KHA+ and xp1600

should last for another year or so.
anyone with any nuggets of info or warnings about the basics plz let me know before i go order.
I know there was an initial prob with the mobo's bios chip, but that was just a bad batch.