my aimbot at work

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well if shellfish is ok with it i could get it uploaded at , where most of all utmovies made are, and everyone should get highspeed rates because of the freenet ftp´s :)
fraggwizz can u post the whole URL to the file
after clickin left on the file in the popup there is the URL
i got ISDN only and no flat
can't DL all the movies :(

thx in advance
Have tried that badct place about 40 time and it has NEVER worked :(

b4 i just got an error saying im not allowed to dl it, and now i dont even get any msg at all...
Great stuff :thumb:
Shellfish how u did that flick ?
What kinda proggies u used to get such good resolution ?
Is it possible to make avis right out of dem. files or do u have to rec them with another proggie right in gameplay ?
its not that tough... u just need good music, and a lot of patience :)

to capture 30 jpegs / second, then use a program like adobe premiere or videomach
(i used videomach... but i think all the instructions are in german :D )

i recorded the demos in 1152 res, and used movieunreal++ in 640x480 (that's why my crosshair is so damn big). The demos go FLYING BY, even in timebased mode (use timebased, otherwise things are outta sync). I used the latest divx codec for the movie too, that really cut down on the size. And use radio quality music! Will save u 10 megs with pretty much no difference in sound.

any other questions stop by #cod or #8 :)