Movie, movie, movie...

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New Member
Aug 3, 2004

Is there a delete option ?

Sry wrong forum lolz
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well, I'll be honest...if ur trying to impress someomne TOTALLY new to assault, u perhaps, with some chance, with alotta chance actually, u succeed, but imo this is the most basic stuff possible in assault, I was practically fastforwarding through the whole movie and afterwards deleted it :(
Gotta agree with toaster here, aint learned anything new from that and I'm a total noob :). Oh and you missed a few...
Some banal tricks/launches (most of them present in older movies). Apart from that; good job on making a movie :)
nice movie

their prolly new at assault so thats pretty good, whats the point in gunning em!!
Yo kekc what program do u use to run it???
it crashed on the one that comes w/ windows
Move unreal is supposed to be good, fraps is also quite good from my experience. I persume you demoed all of this first and then screen captured it with one of the above or an equivalent. What did you use to edit it? It was nicely presented anyway :).

You r right I should've post that =p
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Cuz I wanted to post on forum where ppl just starting to play ASSAULT!