Monkey Joke!

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would be nice if someone yould write down what they are talking, I only understand pieces of it :p
Customer: Penguin takes his car into the shop and mechanic says he needs an hour to check it out.

Bartender: What kind of car?

Customer: What kind of?? A damn penguin car, alright!
Anyway, he goes across the street to the 7-11 to kill some time and get himself an icecream, penguins love icecream.

Bartender: Vanilla?

Customer: Sure. But because he has no hands the poor little guy gets the icecream all over his feet.

Bartender: This going somewhere?

Customer: So he goes back to the mechanic and the guy tells him: "Looks like you blew a seal". And the penguin tells him: "No that's just a little icecream."

Everybody laughs
lol thanks pure fusion.. now I understand everything, but I can't find the joke in it :p