Message Boards Ranking - UTAssault #530

  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

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Mushroomhead said:
the cunt came running outside looking for a sniper or something
More likely he was looking for the teenager with a laser pen so he could kick the shit out of him :)
I made a catapult with a laser pen for targeting once, found a huge elastic band and some aluminium offcuts in dt. Wonder where that thing is now. Also made some aluminium pelets, never fired them at anyone though, those things would cut straight through someone and out the other side they're so fucking sharp.
-=Dark_Shadow=- said:
I made a catapult with a laser pen for targeting once, found a huge elastic band and some aluminium offcuts in dt. Wonder where that thing is now. Also made some aluminium pelets, never fired them at anyone though, those things would cut straight through someone and out the other side they're so fucking sharp.
Get yourself a 15mm copper pipe about 1 - 1.5 meters long and wire coat hanger.

Cut the coat hanger into 15cm segments, and get them as straight as possible. Tape a paper cone on the back of each of them to turn them into darts - then put them in the pipe and blow.
sobo said:
zanmato is that the same woman as the one on your previous avatar ? im equally drunk now i think than when i was when i jduged the other, and i find this woman very doable (*very*)

Its a different woman, im glad this one has your approval so I can keep this avatar :)