MapPack 3.4

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New Member
Jun 8, 2001
Solihull, UK
I can no longer host the mappack as we have moved provider and I cant afford to have all our bandwidth sucked away :D

If anyone has a location where I can slap the pack then I would be more than happy to upload it :)

Oh and Check the new ion site out while ur at it :P - Aint entered all the results for assault tho, fooking hundreds :lol:
It's about 30 or so mb's and is most of the maps pld in UTA it installs them into the right places for u aswell so it's handy.
If it's on a website now PM me the URL and I should be able to mirror it somewhere.
neo lame plug for website, pretending to care about that shitty mappack :P

nice changes though, except on members page where u got the "games" bit, the icons r f00kin well dodgy, try find some decent ones ... lazy gimp
and still teh spelling error...

it´s INDEPENDENT and not INDEPENDANT u n00b :P

u are british and u can´t speak ur own language properly lol :P
i need the map pack ASAP for a new public server which is still being setup so neo can i use a link sometime plz:) as my m8 needs to dl it
damian the site only changed the layout rest is equal n00bzor :p: