Longest word in your language

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BRaiNRaiN said:
longest word i can think of in dutch is:

Hottentottententententoonstellingsbedrijfssecretaresse (53)

:D:D daar kan je nog duizend dingen aanhangen
Speciallægepraksisplanlægningsstabiliseringsperiode - 51 = the official danish longest word since 1993.
Folkeskoleundervisningsdifferentieringsundersøgelsesbeskrivelsesdokumentationspraksis = 85, but still a valid word.

..and I cba translating. :P

found in hank's link lawl
Hottentottensoldatententententoonstellingscommissieledenvergaderingslokaal is the longest dutch word.

The longest overall word would be the full chemical name of Titin, the largest known protein. Obviously this word is valid in every language ;) It's got 189,819 letters, and can't be posted on this forum:

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1. The text that you have entered is too long (190079 characters). Please shorten it to 15000 characters long.

You can see it here.
well...i read, that this [swedish word] is the longest in world...but im not sure, because translate which i know/read is very stupid...so:
Nordostersiokustartilleriflugspaningssimulatoranlageningsmaterielunderhall supptoljningssystemdiskussioninlaggforberedelsearbeten - 130 letters
some swedish can tell me sth more about that ;)
thats no word thats a joke :D
