link to link of custom as 2k4 maps

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AS-Frigate2k4 in the new league!

EDIT: But only if you can decrease that autocannon's damage-rate, geez..
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although I already found a way to hj kinda to the roof, but what's with the raptor there? just decoration? migod
aye can get onto roof though wouldnt like to do it in a match, for league play map would need (imo) doorways wider it feels cramped inside its a boat not a sub auto cannon weakened and either the ship moved closer to the back dock or useage of the hammer mod which enables futher jumping.
Map looks dam nice though !
The inside of the current frigate is cramped is it not? in fact its about a player model wide in the corridors.
Gazzy said:
The inside of the current frigate is cramped is it not? in fact its about a player model wide in the corridors.
Never got to inside, when i saw the cannon i deleted the hole map :P

Mido said:
germania is a cool map 2 check it out
Same as Frigate ^^ ;)
u can avoid the cannon by dodging across the the start of the jeti thing

map could do with fewer reflective textures, slower autocannons, working ladders up from water and a few more objectives like maybe one that explodes the back ship platform slightly to make the inner objective doable

the reason i say its cramped it mainly the doorways they very tight heck you dont go though the door if your just a pixel or two off, also with all the double dodges we can now do and a lack of alt routes would turn it into a spam fest. Room to move about is needed else flak will be just too powerfull as a spam defense. (also holes for nades on back deck might of been nice)
munkZ said:
u can avoid the cannon by dodging across the the start of the jeti thing

auto cannons always sucks dont think that there is anything that pisses me of more than after killing all the defenders just to be killed by some :gay: cannon :mad:
aye, autos are piss annoying :| great aim combined with the sick damage and fire rate on frigate makes it sorta the first objective to destroy i :x
anyone managed to get from the pier to the back deck on their own yet?

Whose gonna remake ballistic and put scorpions at the start :D, maybe with a minefield just after the main gates so scorpions dont dominate too much, could be great!
12 rockets removes auto cannon problem an all, avirls also lock onto it ... maybe still a bit too strong but its kind of like a first objective, destroying the auto cannon.
2k4 cannons blow. Ut'99 cannons were generally so poor it was funny but had an uncanny knack of hitting you when you least expected it causing some funny situations like the famous autocannon massacre out side the control cabin on high speed :D. On topic, I found this . Seems to be the only as map that has gone down well with reviewers except maybe frigate 2k4. Haven't played it yet since I'm on basically a blank OS since my partition reformat. Sometime I'll get 2k4 reinstalled and have a look at this. Anyone up for porting a couple of the roar maps? I think that we should have a hammer jump and launch etc enabled league for the hell of it. The results could be interesting. Frigate would suck without hammer jumps though. Need more maps fs!