LeagueAS136 Final Revision

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Feb 26, 2002
And here is it, the expected LeagueAS136 Final Revision (136b according to the SP version).

So... what's new on this revision?

Not much concerning new features (read this thread for details). This is basically an internal optimization of LeagueAS136Public (136a).
Memory usage had raised considerably in 136a due to cheat protection, specially the method used to block tweaks. Also the whole texture file was loaded either if it was being used in game or not.

In this revision you can disable certain groups of icons. Unused icons won't be loaded at all, saving memory / resources.
Along with the new (and improved) anti-tweaks system, this puts memory usage back to 135 level or lower in some circumstances, and keeps the functionally intact :) (actually adds more options - i.e. having icons for kill messages only and disable the rest).

Low-end comps should notice a fair performance boost in this version, better FPSs, faster loading times, etc.

The overall better performance and the Updated Cheat Protection makes LeagueAS136 (136b) a more than recommendable upgrade.

Will be installed on League Servers tonight after matches.

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