Interesting map concept in Tactical-Ops

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'Zee German
Jun 7, 2001
Since I used to play counterstrike from time to time, and some people pointed out that tactical ops was a more than worthy replacement, which it is indeed, I'm playing it now since 2 days and like it very much. It feels good, looks great and is a lot of fun.

One map cought my interest. Well not quite the map itself, but the concept of play on that map.
I dunno its name, but it is the one on the big ship.

Each team (SWAT and terrorists) has it's own set of of assault like objectives. The difference to assault is, that they have to be carried out simultaneously.
The SWAT team has to reach a radio to call for help
the terrorists have to disable a reactor cooling system.
The fastest team to complete their objective wins the round. (apart from the usual "eliminate the opposing team")

I think a concept like this would be even better suited to assault, where you can respawn, which would add an interesting point to the game, namely that you have to have a working offense and defense at the same time to win.

What do you think of it ?
Would you like to have something like that in assault ?

(Now I'm wondering if it is possible to implement something like that in (or to convert the map to) assault to give it a testrun.)
Sounds kinda like CTF and Assault in the one map :). Yeah I would be up for giving it a go although I dunno how we would implement it?

Each team having their own objectives on the current AS maps would be tricky.

The only map I can cleary see where the possiblity for such a game is Asthenosphere. Having each team spawn at each side of the map, both of them having to destroy the fans and then escape using the escape pods in the Observation Lounge and the Cargo Hold. First team to do so wins!

Deffo does sound like fun though, and using such a system you could maybe play around with "King of the Hill" maps, both teams trying to capture the same objective?
I've played that map and it is good fun, I think something like thsi really needs about 8 a side though, otherwise it's too much down to luck.

Would be very hard to get right (ie equal) unless you either made it symetrical or play the map twice.
Nice concept - I'd like to give that a go. Also, I think one person completing an objective (such as Overlord Control room) is crap - having to get all the players from the attacking team into 1 room instead of spaming a bit of flak around the corner would be cool. 100% Team Play required then :)

Just a thought. :]
Couldn't be done with AS "as is", because as you know defenders can't trigger objectives, but a small mod to do it wouldn't be much work.