How will you die?

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While marching in a local parade, you trip and stumble over a pothole. You are immediately crushed under the wheels of a fire engine full of clowns.
An ill-tempered waiter, dissatisfied with your gratuity, beats you to death with a pepper mill.
You humiliate a magician at a party by divulging a few of his secrets. He returns the favor by actually sawing you in half.

sounds like fun
A suicidal airline pilot intentionally crashes the plane you're on, killing you (and everyone else on board).

nice thought, when im about to travel to a middle east country by plane :(
1st dry:
You commit suicide after being diagnosed HIV positive.

2nd try:
Being depressed with life in general, you commit suicide by driving into oncoming traffic on the highway.

Seems that i commit suicide anyway :\
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bartio said:
1st dry:
You commit suicide after being diagnosed HIV positive.

2nd try:
Being depressed with life in general, you commit suicide by driving into oncoming traffic on the highway.

Seems that i commit suicide anyway :\
That's what you get since u're bullying me :( :P
While driving too fast in icy conditions, you run a red light, and your car is struck in the intersection by a speeding truck. You are killed instantly.
You are taken hostage as part of a bank robbery. When law enforcement refuses to meet the demands of the suspect, the suspect shoots you in the head to prove to the cops that he means business.
First name: :/
While attending a horse show, you bend over to tie your shoe. Halfway though the brief process, you receive a deadly kick from a startled Clydesdale.

Family name: :lol:
While sleeping, you're tied to your bed by your girlfriend and peeled to death using a vegetable peeler.

WoW-character (Countess female, my age):
As the unfortunate target of a serial killer, you are thrown into a vat of sulfuric acid. Your body is turned into a thick sludge.
Looks like my char will die in undercity :P
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