Hello Norway goodbye UK

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New Member
Jul 4, 2002
I'm bailing cyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
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sounds nice, gl and gratz.

lol, thats also a disadvantage. be careful then, dont piss her off, that might hav a nasty end i think :P
lots....but I have the advantage of having the Managing Directors daughter as my girlfriend which probably helped lol......avvveeeeet! :chainsaw:

Thats just screaming for a pic!
my gf's dad drives a jag and has got some hot shot job :lol: We even went golfing haha
OMG im slow ive just worked out what ur avatar is m8........that sick lol the poor git got stabbed in the heart by a stinrays tail, guess he was sorta chancing it a lot with dangerous animals etc....
I guess we can always use another Scot, atleast U have a proper education. Kinda funny tho, dunno if this has occured 2 u(im thinking it hasnt), but u couldnt have picked a place more like england weather wise:lol:

Only foreighners notice the beer prices, even if we all whine about em:lol:

Let me know if ur coming down south, specialy if ur not taking your gf (trust me, u dont wanna bring her along on a weekend of debauchery with me.Ull have job come monday:lol:)

Bad country choice m8. Bush will prolly invade Norway after he´s done in Iraq to get some more oil.
Bad country choice m8. Bush will prolly invade Norway after he´s done in Iraq to get some more oil.

lol true , I hadn't thought of that....shit :sofa:

well hopefully China will be the new superpower by then and they will bomb Bush before he bombs everyone ;)