Happy Birthday SkunkWeeeeeeeed!!

  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

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confrats m8y..lol now ur really old m8 :lol:

p.s goh elmer zag ik je dinsdag voor me school langs schuiven op je fietsje in de stromende regen..AVEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
dich bij het martiniziekenhuis in groningen zuid :)
Happy Birthday to the Skunk\\'eed @Venger!!!!


Enjoy Drew :)
Sorry we didnt get a war of 14 guardias arranged for your birthday :)
God bless Toaster!
Elmer thank you for the Bin Cupboard which is always there fo me!
Jan give me their names and My people will meet with them and end their interference.
Vinnie and Rene for being the new blood!
Jenni and Ian for starting this whole thing and Jules for being the Cool.
Mat Johan Nick and all love to fight by your side!
I've got your back!
I really love you guys now lets Play DartsssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!
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