Guess the film

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three logs?
erm Twin Peaks?
(well there was a log lady).
maybe she used them in rotation?
erm, its obviously a well made and thaught about film.
everyone has seen it right?
OK I've got it.....

its from the Exxon (ESSO), safety induction film, second scene.
ok its one of them Bruce WWillis things eh?
where he plays a rogue cop type thing, like Clint already done:D
Die Hard 1
Die Hard 2

Die Hard 3

Die Hard 4
Die Hard 5

Die Hard 6

Die Hard 7

Die Hard 8

Die Hard 9

Die Hard 10

Die Hard 11

Die Hard 12?
any one of the above?
ok i see tnega does even know the titles so ill help him

It was "Die hard with a vengeance" and actor are Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson.
And they said this when they where chasing the trucks with the gold When they or driving over a bridge they see the trucks driving below them so Bruce askes Samuel L. Jackson Does this car have airbags (Samuel replys) Well ur side does dont know about mine.
...and then he drives the car off the bridge in order to go after the truck.
ok new one.

2 deverent actor say the same line in the same movie name them both and the movie

"ill take the job until i get killed or u find some1 better"
only 1 person said this line in the film
"ill take the job until i get killed or u find some1 better"
and it was Casper Van Dien and the film was Starship Troopers.

the other person u r thinking of is Michael Ironside.
but the line is says is a little different.
"u got the job until u get killed or i find some1 better"
uhm i know went it was made but when it was aired i was 6 so i give up.

i also have one of my own.

Now thats how you putout a bushfire

just the movie is ok because i dont know who the actor is:D
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Paul Hogan in 'Skippy the Bush Kangaroo' - said just after he taken Skippy roughly up the Gary, causing a small kanga-pube fire and putting it out by pissing on it.

But, I could be wrong...