Grab Console Command?

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Jun 17, 2001
Any idea what its for?
Snap study shows that this console command can trigger gradual movers on the map.
So far gradual movers found on 2 assault maps - Frigate and Mazon.
To have idea what it does go to the roof of Mazon, stay near catapult which throws rocks (basically stay on yellow "box") and write "grab" in console. It will trigger catapult instantly. Same goes for Frigate - come near big cannon and write "grab".

Any other uses?

Credits to Darkheart for pointing out this ccomand.
Its a throwback from Unreal where it was used as trigger type system for opening doors etc, so you could trigger them with a key rather than touching / shooting (as is the case with a lot of SP games).
and Phear fixed it already in leagueAS when he worked out what I was doing a month or so back
thx for input.

another question, will next/current LeagueAS stop effect of SRPawn on double movers? (Sounds kinda cryptic, but undestandable imho ;) )
I changed some mover properties in 122 to try and fix that problem, I'm not sure if it will have any effect tho :/

Waiting to have FTP to Server 1 again so I can install it and test it more thoughily.
ye u showed me :rofl:
but as its lame and destroys some cannon related offensive tricks i decided not to do in clanwarz
im not liekly to discover lame tricks but might it b possible to open frigates bridge-doors in offence with this grab command?
Maybe I can grab the terminals on oceanfloor with that command and hide them underwater...

but then again - prolly not
finally i can grab all your gay asses:lol: and hopefully it opens & triggers em too:lol

sorry, first day at school:)
well, i know another way to use the grab-command. We from Caedes have a girl in the clan. So when we are training, I'm trying to come as close as possible to her, and then i use the grap command. Then he opens her skirt and grabs her breasts :P

It seems to work in real life to, just try it ;)


Yeah, I thought that cow was so sweet, that i had to show it to u all in my avatar :P

Although, after i took the screenshot, I blew him up :P
Originally posted by Witlof
So when we are training, I'm trying to come as close as possible to her, and then i use the grap command. Then he opens her skirt and grabs her breasts :P

She's got breasts under her skirt? :eek:
I meant t-shirt or something :P

But why r u so shocked, did u think you were the only one with breasts under your skirt? ;)
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