gg fags

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The all powerful W|G!
May 27, 2001
Birmingham, UK
You smell, but ya play a pretty good game :D

But these marathon matches are really starting to get on my tits, they are just too long.
yep that was a gg but as you was so long
Fs i saw most of ppl who voted for the number of pro as maps prefere stay with 14 maps arggggg

please , phear !!!!!!!!! change that and forget this polllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll :rofl:
Not my job m0000, you'll have to petition CS to do that, still more have voted to make it shorter than leave it as it is :)
Leave it at 14 maps, its only the top of division one thats having these mammoth games. But why dont you agree amongst yourselves its best of 10? Im sure you can trust each to stick to it.
we're talking pro here mate, and because of the stupid(stupidstupidstupidstupidstupid) divions merge of that league, we're not a top clan, so you're wrong :P

besides which, I can't believe we're the only clans that have these mammooth matches...