gatlGun - Bugs / Fixes

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Sep 19, 2001
Dorset, UK
I haven't been around much to test this myself, but I've been reliably informed that there are a few "bugs" with the Gatling gun mutator used on the Pug server currently, so I'll keep a list here with any status updates, and if you find anything not listed, please post.

- My Minigun bind no longer works - workaround provided
As with any custom/replacement weapon, the class name changes, therefore a bind containing the "getweapon classname" command will not work with the new weapon. You will need to update any bind that has "getweapon minigun2" to "getweapon minigun2|getweapon gatl_minigun2|getweapon gatl_PureMinigun2", or use the more concise bind "switchweapon 7" which will work for any form of Minigun.

- My Weapon priorities are messed up/"switchtobestweapon" doesn't work - fix provided
Same as above, because the minigun holds a new class name then anything that reffers to the old minigun will not work as it's supposed to, therefore all you need to do is open up your User.INI file and under the [Engine.Playerpawn] section, find the WeaponPriority[x]= section and add the classes gatl_minigun2 and gatl_PureMinigun2 wherever your minigun2 is located, e.g. -
... Remember to update any further Weapon Priority indexes to avoid duplicates.

- Kills/deaths are not registering in anyone's HUD & IRC Reporter bot when killed with the gun - confirmed fixed in 0.17.
This is actually an issue with the LeagueAS Enhanced HUD class; where users are able to easily customize their kill messages... LeagueAS did not include any scope for custom weapons with the new HUD, therefore any weapon other than the defaults is ignored, as a result the message passed to the IRC bot is also blank, but will appear as a timestamped "event" entry.

- Using 2d icons in LeagueAS, most/all the new miniguns are displayed as Sniper Rifles - possibly fixed in 0.17 - needs testing & approval.
Along similar lines to the above issue, LeagueAS currently lacks the intelligence to check whether the weapon is of a particular type (in this case it is of a type minigun2), therefore defaults to the last icon, which is a sniper rifle.

- Some miniguns are rotating, others are not - unchecked
Not checked this, but the mutator is programmed so that it *should* take the rotationrate and bIsRotatingPickup variables from the original weapon it replaces, however I noticed this is also an issue with Zeroping (which uses the same replacement mechanism), so I'm assuming it's a bug with the CheckReplacement function... Where some minis have actually taken the correct characteristics, I'm guessing this is where LeagueAS has physically moved/replaced the weapon where it differs from the original map.

- A minigun in map xxx is being displayed/has been spawned further away from its original location - unchecked
Again, could be related with LeagueAS' internal fixes; this needs verification - if people could let me know exactly where in a map this is happening (screenshots welcome) I can check this out and make per map tweaks.
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Looks like the repbot is unable to show any minigun kills at all. Example:

[00:32:40] <utaPugRep> 3:02 : ->swap<-Añgêl put a bullet through .pDm.Fury!'s head.
[00:32:44] <utaPugRep> 2:58 :
[00:32:49] <utaPugRep> 2:53 :
[00:32:53] <utaPugRep> 2:49 :
[00:32:53] <utaPugRep> Red 3 - 3 Blue | AS-Ballistic | Time Remaining: 02:49 | Blue are attacking.
[00:33:05] <utaPugRep> 2:37 :
[00:33:06] <utaPugRep> 2:37 :
[00:33:06] <utaPugRep> 2:36 :
[00:33:06] <utaPugRep> 2:36 :
[00:33:08] <utaPugRep> 2:34 :
[00:33:09] <utaPugRep> 2:33 :
[00:33:13] <utaPugRep> 2:29 : ->swap<-Añgêl put a bullet through puma.1948's head.
[00:33:20] <utaPugRep> 2:22 : jaha was smacked down by Ñôåm Çhøm§kÿ's Rocket Launcher.

lots of empty entries, dunno if the new gatlgun causes it but at least I didn't notice anything fishy before gatlgun was added :o
I've played with it twice. A couple things I've noticed are:

More lockdown than normal, dunno why either.

If you use autoswitch weapons for some reason the whole thing is messed up and whatever weapon you pick up it becomes priority! Dont say "noob change to non auto switch"

Way too easy to kill now.
the autowep change is linked to the getweapon bind, but to fix it theres a section in your user.ini (i didnt knew about it thx mym)


i guess you should put "gatl_minigun2" at whatever priority u want and it should fix it, I did that but didnt test it yet but it seems logical so it should work.

I agree with torp that minigun feels like it has even more lockdown then before :hangover:

and last a question for weirdo:

"n.b. To equate dp to hp units, the maximum value using game defaults will be dp*0.35"

so does that mean that "The MiniGun in LeagueAS140" would do 3.15 (9*0.35) to 5.25 (15*.35) hp loss per bullet? I find this odd since I dont think ive ever been hit by a single bullet that did less then 6hp damage. And its relatively common to be hit by a single missfired minigun bullet

and i dont know if its any help but in a pug today im positive I got hit by what looked like a single minigun bullet and it damaged me for quite exactly 15 hp, since I had 16 and had 1 life left afterward for a good second before dying.

How to solve that my best weapon order is messed up for the new minigun in the pug server?
the autowep change is linked to the getweapon bind, but to fix it theres a section in your user.ini (i didnt knew about it thx mym)


i guess you should put "gatl_minigun2" at whatever priority u want and it should fix it, I did that but didnt test it yet but it seems logical so it should work.
Thanks, I'll include this in the top buglist as a workaround.

and last a question for weirdo:

"n.b. To equate dp to hp units, the maximum value using game defaults will be dp*0.35"

so does that mean that "The MiniGun in LeagueAS140" would do 3.15 (9*0.35) to 5.25 (15*.35) hp loss per bullet? I find this odd since I dont think ive ever been hit by a single bullet that did less then 6hp damage. And its relatively common to be hit by a single missfired minigun bullet

and i dont know if its any help but in a pug today im positive I got hit by what looked like a single minigun bullet and it damaged me for quite exactly 15 hp, since I had 16 and had 1 life left afterward for a good second before dying.

I fail to understand how you can determine that you're being hit by "one bullet" since the rate of the minigun would be as default 10 bullets per second... Unless you had some debug in that shows you every single bullet hit you have no way of knowing that you've been hit by one bullet since UT cannot accurately tell you so; however I think this would be a waste of time personally (not to mention your UT log would fill up quite rapidly with hit statements).
why wont anyone answer here? Isnt it possible to make minigun kills visible?? it is so annoying having the vanished empty places and you never know WHEN, someone killed anyone with the pld tell me to fix or tell me it is not fixable so I can stop writing in here for the same matter a 4th time ggthx:)
:lol: you numpty, It was answered before you even posted the first time

- Kills/deaths are not registering in anyone's HUD & IRC Reporter bot when killed with the gun - issue outstanding
This is actually an issue with the LeagueAS Enhanced HUD class; where users are able to easily customize their kill messages... LeagueAS did not include any scope for custom weapons with the new HUD, therefore any weapon other than the defaults is ignored, as a result the message passed to the IRC bot is also blank, but will appear as a timestamped "event" entry.
why wont anyone answer here? Isnt it possible to make minigun kills visible?? it is so annoying having the vanished empty places and you never know WHEN, someone killed anyone with the pld tell me to fix or tell me it is not fixable so I can stop writing in here for the same matter a 4th time ggthx:)
in-game aswell?
I get a sniper-smily when using the smily-killmsgs
In game is the HUD, you wont see any kill message for this weapon. This is translated across to the reporter as a blank for the same reason.
weirdo you still didn't answer my question

"n.b. To equate dp to hp units, the maximum value using game defaults will be dp*0.35"

so does that mean that "The MiniGun in LeagueAS140" would do 3.15 (9*0.35) to 5.25 (15*.35) hp loss per bullet?

its indeed pretty much impossible to know if uve been hit by 1 or 2 or 4 bullets

but what im trying to understand is how did I lose exactly 15 hp in an instant? and is it consistant with the settings you put.

refering to my first question, if minigun hp damage per bullet is 3.15, does ut count decimals?? and that mean that technically if someone fired 2ndary fire from far away and aimed beside a player, that player could technically be hit and lose only between 3.15 and 5.25 hp? or do bullets always fly in "pairs" so thats its impossible to be hit by a single one?
Probably more relevant to this thread... mainly regarding what html said

is the 1.5x damage multiplier being applied to all the damages youre quoting, or are the quoted damages already including this?
html - I did some debugs to see exactly what damage is being issued, and you are correct it isn't the dp*0.35 I first suggested - it looks like that figure is used when the damage is being issued by a non-player to a non-player (i.e. an autocannon to another autocannon?) - sorry for the mixup there.

Here's a technical overview (from what I can determine) of what happens during a minigun firing bullet sequence:-

1) Minigun determines damage output:-
  • With Lockdown: Other.TakeDamage(fDam, Pawn(Owner), HitLocation, fDam*MomentumFactor*X, MyDamageType);
  • Without Lockdown: Other.TakeDamage(fDam, Pawn(Owner), HitLocation, vect(0,0,0), MyDamageType);
    • fDam = Base Damage + (Random Damage) [e.g. 10 + Rand(2)]
    • MomentumFactor = 500.0 [GAME DEFAULT!]
    • X = X-axis Vector of shot direction, [* 2.5 if FRand() < 0.2] - Now tweakable in gatlGun16 - defaults left as * 2.5
2) TakeDamage function (GAME DEFAULT!)
  • function TakeDamage( int Damage, Pawn instigatedBy, Vector hitlocation, Vector momentum, name damageType)
  • Note TakeDamage takes the values in whole Integer format!
  • Momentum modifications:-
    • If player is walking, Z-axis momentum is set to whichever is the larger value: momentum.z or 0.4*VectorSize(momentum)
    • If player instigates own damage then momentum is * 0.6
    • Momentum = Momentum/Mass (default Mass = 100)
  • actualDamage = Level.Game.ReduceDamage(Damage, DamageType, self, instigatedBy);
    • Allows for gametype modifications to reduce or increase damage - If bHardcoreMode=True (default), damage (by any weapon or object) is multiplied by 1.5 here!!
    • Screeny below shows that self inflicted damage seems to be reduced at Level.Game.ReduceDamage (GI) by 3hp? - Needs qualifying to confirm if it's JUST self-inflicted damage.
  • Check if instigator is a player in god mode; remove damage if applicable
  • If instigator is not a Player (i.e. an Autocannon or a Bot maybe? TBC) and damage is inflicted TO a Non-player then reduce damage by 65%
    • [This isn't really relevant to anything for online play as far as I can see]
  • A further damage reducing factor is included but not used: "ReducedDamagePct"
    • As far as I can see this isn't implemented in game defaults OR LeagueAS.
  • Final damage values post-calculation are then passed out to any mutators wishing to change the input/output
    • I grabbed the values here for my debug and came up with some interesting output using default settings (screeny to be posted) - looks like the momentum from the lockdown is also affecting damage? TBC
  • Velocity to player added (point 3) from Momentum
  • Health calculated and reduced as necessary
  • TakeDamage determines if player should now die due to health <= 0
3) Player movements affected
  • Animations played
  • Noises played
Outstanding factors to determine:
  • Difference between head/body shots
    • Where is this calculated?
    • What multipliers are used?
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Offline testing screenies (this will need testing online at some point - but I won't be around for a while to do this).


  • Shot0000.JPG
    136.4 KB · Views: 54
  • Shot0003.JPG
    156.8 KB · Views: 55
Just to clarify then (as the screenies dont seem to agree with the info above) - 1.5x damage is applied to all shots in AS, as we use hardcore mode?
Allows for gametype modifications to reduce or increase damage - If bHardcoreMode=True (default), damage (by any weapon or object) is multiplied by 1.5 here!!.

Correct, my offline UT runs in classic mode, not hardcore mode, therefore damage in those screenies is not multiplied by 1.5.