Eavy Bugs?

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0 Swede 0

I got my own server which i got all of the As118 league mods CSHp and all that (Swede's Server)

But I can't get this AdvancedTeamSay to Work, where you use;

AdvancedTeamSay I got %HeALTH% left and stuff, they don't work on my server,, Why?

- havent Testen on the others Either
Re: Eavy Bugs?

u tried all caps : %HEALTH% ?and eavy had nothing to do with either of them mods :p
Re: Eavy Bugs?

u forgot to say its ur mod and not eavys bro :)
Re: Eavy Bugs?

heh, Yeah i know, It's this League Assault118 I think, not sure though, since i got alots of all this new crap installed :p

And I HAVE tried it all, but it only works Before the Game Starts, in Spectating mode, when the Game starts, it cannot be done :/

Any Suggestions?
Re: Eavy Bugs?

The only time it doesn't work is when your dead :/
Re: Eavy Bugs?

Damn, then something's wrong with my server :( (

DOH! hate when that happens :/

So I'll ReInstall UT on the server comp, and Re-insall Eavy and all that crap CSHP4u or something, Phears Assault, LeagueAssault whatever :)
Re: Eavy Bugs?

no need to run eavy when you've got the league mod, is there?
Re: Eavy Bugs?

NOOOOOOOO thats probably your problem NEVER run Eavy when your running LeagueAS.

Re: Eavy Bugs?

What is Eavy anyways?

I don't know differnece etween it all..

I've forgotten all about it, CSHP is Aimbot Cheat protect
Eavy is some Spawnkilling thing
LeagueAS is some extras?

Pls fill in on how i do remove the Eavy adn what is the Difference between Eavy and League AS
Re: Eavy Bugs?

The AssaultBonusPack, is what people usually refer to as Eavy. It is a server side mutator written by Eavy, with the aim of improving and fixing some of the things about assault. More info is available here: www.planetunreal.com/eavy/assault.html .

LeagueAssault, or what some people (to my annoyance) refer to as "Phear mod" was written by yours truely. It takes the features used by the league from Eavy (such as Spawn protection) and adds more features and fixes with league matches in mind. More info is available here: www.utassault.net/leagueassault/ .


Re: Eavy Bugs?

k.. But How do i uninstall Eavy?

Is it just to Delete the Eavy.u and Eavy.int or whatever they're called?
Re: Eavy Bugs?

can't u just turn it off in the mutator list?
i'm not sure if that works with servers...
Re: Eavy Bugs?

Nops, ony thing in mutators is the league118 thingy, which is the Phear mod as he described it :p :lol: :p

But this eavy thong.. How yo delete?
Re: Eavy Bugs?

shows how little i know about this kinda stuff :lol:
Re: Eavy Bugs?

If you've got LeagueAssault to show in the mutator list you've worked a miracle cos it isn't a mutator :lol:

Just delete AssaultBonusPack.u and .int from you system dir to remove Eavy.

Re: Eavy Bugs?

But dear Phear, do you suggest im a miracle maker? :lol:

Sice it's a thingy Called League118 or something in the Mutators List, and it's a mod up in the Menues, so in the menues I manage it, and in the mutators list I set it availible :)