EAC Final - .nl¹ vs. ËñG-LâñЦ (2nd Leg)

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X-Bomb said:
i would just like to clear something up, there was no rule change after group stage, The rule from the START of the EAC was a maximum of 4 players from 1 clan during the group stage, after that all restrictions lifted.

Reasons for these, group stages some teams have no teamplay and never played together, obviously we would want to give them a chance to develop some teamplay and have some sort of chance against other teams, after the groupstage restriction was lifted, teams would have played a few games together and got some basic teamplay, Another reason for the restriction lift - this is a CUP competition, you want to find out whos the best country regardless of which clan they come from and how long they have played together.

Yes people know most of the England team have played together for a while and play in the same clan, and its obvious it has helped us, but honestly theres no need to say it about 50 times, i think people got your point by now.

And as for the server Pete, i dont think you got much to shout about, we played on your server and didnt say hardly anything about the server conditions, i cant talk for the rest of my teamm8s but on your server my ping was unusually higher then normal, 60 on a dutch server when it should be about 40. Minigun took me down in half a sec and it was hard to dodge at times, yet we didnt go crying on about it like a baby who lost there bottle. Of course when it comes to playing on the UK server you arent going to effective as you were on the Dutch server. Thats the whole point in home and away server. You have the advantage on your server, we have the advantage on ours.
U obviously turn around the points again. It was in no way clear for US that there were other rules after the group stages. Ofcourse its an EAC cup and i see you want english players playing for the england team, but using the slightest bit of common sense (which u all seem to have, still u use it for turning and bending facts), u would see and understand that beating 3 years of teamplay is impossible with a new team, esspecially with a broken team.
About the server: i TOLD you my ping was FINE on the UK server. The point i made was that your players could normally dodge on the .nl server. Ofcourse our mini's were a bit stronger, but u are too ignorant to see that we couldn't even LAUNCH because we were lockeddown in 0.1 second by your miniguns. Besides, a couple of our playes had a double view when dodging and rockets and primary shockshots weren't showing. That IS a different story. I never complained about my ping, i did complain about the servers side effects. (Btw, for your information ignorant Shit-Bomb, you could ask farac for example who had the same when playing england2 on digifrag). We had advantage on our server, you could play there tho. You had advantage on your server, impossible to play on yours.
Why would you make a cup when you know the outcome already? U KNEW England was going to win with that rule for the finals. Did you get yourself a nice bocal after making the rules to wank over already?

lol, then we could have used uzi or (maybe) tween, nothing would have changed much with them playing
actually tween would have pwned the lot of ya so be lucky we used 5 from same clan !
That's a lie rai. U know the team with the best teamplay wins. 50% of 1 clan makes one hell of a difference as 84% of one clan with 1 non-clanner up front.

was the rule not made from the START that only 4 players from the same clan can play during group stages, after anyone can play.

I mean c'mon its an EAC, Nation Team Based why should players from the same clan be denied the chance to represent their country just because there in the same clan. Grow up and carry on with the excuses o the server this that, o u have players from the same team, o u played together for so long, o we cant shoot you, o u lag to much, o ur mini is too good here but we cant kill you, o we'll missing all the players under the sun
How about making a fair cup? Oh, and excuses? I knew you would deny everything, ofcourse, i'd prolly do the same if i'd be under the X-Bombs...i mean..the rules` wings. Those excuses are facts btw, which you all, ofcourse, deny. Anyway i guess we're all done, so here you go:

GG and congrats, now fo thank you. Let people decide for themselves what to believe.
Erm Pete didn`t you was one of person who wanted play a cup with doesn`t metter how many players from 1 clan? I can recall you arguing with me and even when i said its not good idea i had feeling you gonna flame me lol, but nvm :P rethoric stuff here..
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