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Roger Boom

New Member
Jun 8, 2001
Los Angeles
So what can I say?
Old Rogie started an Assault on the E3 to get a hands on feel for the new UT2003. So I go in running past Doom3, Warcraft3, Full Throttle2 and all these other unimportant stuff ;)

Honestly it took me a while to find it, Unreal Championship had a big booth but the UT 2003 presentation was kinda crappy. Shown on two monitors, right next to Unreal2...
So I stand there and look at the graphics (nothing new for everybody who played the leaked U2 demo), some new weapons, fancy outdoor levels, when I hear two guys talking next to me. One was from the press the other one claimed he was one of the developers. I wait till the press guy leaves and start talking to the "developer" dude.
Well, of course I started bugging the hell out of him about the assault mode and stuff. (Turns out he never played it himself (huh? You developer of UT or what???))

Well Hehe, he got all defensive after a while since I illustrated him how worthless a product it is without an assault mode. In my opinion there's nothing that distincts it from any other online game anymore (especially Quake).

Anyway, what the whole experience left me with is the insight that UT2003 is basically a cash cow, aimed at a younger, less sophisticated audience. The new modes that they added are easy to implement into existing levels (unlike Assault levels, that need a great deal of work to be successful) and are generally created for simpler DM minds.
Well nothing bad about that, it's a marketing decision and I'm sure someone will make a great Assault Mod, I'm just thinking that I'd rather give that person my 40 or 50 bucks than some loveless developing team. In other words I think I'll see if I can get a *free* basic version and wait for a good mod to come out.

See the graphics and all that stuff..well Doom3 looks a great deal better, it's about the fun, the effort, the cleverness that is put into a product not about how it looks. UT2003 seems to suffer the same fate as SW "Attack of the clowns". Looks great, is made for kids, full of cliches and dull as hell.

Anyways, to me the whole thing is dead meat, the poor way they presented it at the show seems to indicate the marketing peeps at infogrames know that already.

But as the guy said:"Well, why do you bother to buy the new game if you like the old one?". Hey, I haven't looked at it that way!
I don't think thats really the target audience and I don't think UT2003 will be a flop, by a long shot. Its aimed at the same market as Quake III, pro gamers, and it will do very well there i'd expect.
UT2K3..hm..the game looks a bit *basic* TBH,i can see that 2K3 is mostly aimed At DM..but hm..im afraid people cant say that UT2K3 will be a success or a flop just yet,as a product can be hit/flop when its enters the target market..depends on the products quality and its own marketing success.

Play 2K3..Decide whether you like it Flop/Hit..but cant really say what its futures is gona be unless ur mystic meg ;)
Originally posted by Roger Boom

I'm sure someone will make a great Assault Mod, I'm just thinking that I'd rather give that person my 40 or 50 bucks than some loveless developing team

Completly agree with this, as long as its a good mod :)

Originally posted by <=Joko=>
well i wont be playin it anyway :rofl:

:thumb: spot on, Its all about game play and if that aint there then all the cool graphics aint gonna save it
Btw...I'm serious about it. I'll give who ever does the job (assuming that he does it well, since it must be quite a freak to begin with) my $50 to start with. If other peeps join in, gee that might be a little pocket money!

Fire up yer PayPals!!!
/me looks at screenshots

Nice graphics and all..but looks like every other DM game fs.

/me has lost belief in handing over money to buy new UT (till i at least play the demo)..and im not gona go spend £££££££££££££ upgrading my system just yet :P
Originally posted by Phear
....I don't think UT2003 will be a flop, by a long shot.....

Its ability to generate sales isnt in question, however the integrity of the developers is....

Seems odd to me that Epic are developing another Unreal based game themselves, but hand 'UT2' to the folks doing Unreal championship... Its got 'cash cow' written all over it

I've been thinking what Roger said since the first screenies of UT2003, must admit it looks nice but also looks pretty 'empty' from what Ive seen so far....

Hopefully the demo will prove me wrong, I shall try to keep an open mind till then...
Hmm...nicely put m8.
I'd like to add that like in every industry my guess is that the marketing peeps are the real evil. It's not a decision of the developers, who are a bunch of freaks but it's a suit and tie thing.
Also it seems that the cream of the devs has been working on championship for the X-Box.
We come in second. Remember that the UT2003 engine is actually the modified championship engine.

Well, well, bitch, bitch, I just wanna have an Assault mode :bawling:
nicely put Grizz

i also think the game looks empty..good graphics and no gameplay is :(

but if Ut2K3 is just a shitcake..wat we gona play then??:(:(:(:(

this demo isnt even finished yet..says something ( not bout the brillaint bits added..the low priority and rush):D ;)
What do you mean with "hand out" ?
DE developed together with Epic Unreal and Unreal Tournament. No change of operations there.
They handed it out to a bunch of rookies who never played Assault! Hired guns, mercenaries who program for money! The good guys are all working for Unreal Championship, while the scum, the Visual Basic and Logo guys are working on our UT!

Erm, hmm at least that's what I think since I talked to this evil developer guy. Ok, ok there might be a tiny bit of assumption in here :rolleyes:

Btw: I posted the same topic in the official UT forum and peeps didn't like it...join in if you want ;)
hm... well i hope they wont hit themselfes by not creating an assault mod... i mean except for the maps is it really that much more work???
even if its not played online a whole lot im pretty sure its played on lans or just offline quite a bit vs bots...
i think the problem with assault itself like it is played now is not very newbie-friendly
in fact for a newbie or even an advanced player it is a pain in the ass to conquer maps like mazon against bots but online there r launches and hammerjumps and these fucking rippershots :P
well anyway every newbie that tries assault gotta think we re cheaters... :rolleyes:
how often did i see somebody asking where the boots in mazon are :lol:
Hehe...well in fact I always take my time to explain maps or tricks to noobs...I mean you just gotta support newcomers.
Which makes me realize that I'm actually a pretty nice guy :eek:
"But as the guy said:"Well, why do you bother to buy the new game if you like the old one?". Hey, I haven't looked at it that way!"

There is yet another way to look at it. I give a quick example. When Quake 1 was released I played the single player. The lasting impression from that, was that I really would have liked to played Doom with the Quake engine. Well, Doom III is coming but it has taken a good 10 years.

I think UT (and UT AS) will die when people feel the graphics are out-dated. SoF2 looks stunning based on Q3+enhancements.

I would really like to see UT as it is re-fitted into the improved engine. From what I read there does not seem to be many new good gameplay/weapon ideas. I do have the hope that the new bomb gameplay will appeal to me as an AS player though. UT AS has always reminded me of American football.
ummmm.. how does AS remind you of yankee football?

AS reminds me of a spammy game with tricks...... oh wait it is a spammy game with tricks :\