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well so far i made my own crosshairs and bound them to the weapons which is quite easy like that
E=getweapon flak | SET ENGINE.HUD CROSSHAIR #

BUT like that the crosshairs do only change when i press the weapon bind

is it also possible to bind the crosshairs to a weapon itself and not only to the same key as the weapon? so the crosshairs do also change when i change the weapon with the nextweapon-button?
would it be possible for a crosshair to have different colors? ie green and yellow

and can zoom crosshair for sniper be changed?

I have an idea for a great crosshair in such case:)
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I don't know about the zoom on the sniper but for the color try this command.

set Botpack.ChallengeHUD CrosshairColor (R=16,G=0,B=0,A=0)

For the color number just change it in UT and see what the numbers are. Then just add this part of the command to your crosshair command.

SET ENGINE.HUD CROSSHAIR # | set Botpack.ChallengeHUD CrosshairColor (R=16,G=0,B=0,A=0)

----- Don't try this unless you know the Editor ----------

It looks like the sniper zoom texture as well as the other default crosshairs are located in the bootpack textures. What you could try is to rename RRECTICLE (current zoom texture) and import the new crosshair under the RRECTICLE name. I'm not sure if this will work or it could blow up your UT. The best way to try this is to install another copy of UT on your system and play with that one.
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you can change the color in your HUD options in UT preferences :rolleyes:

oh you're talkin about a CH bein multi-colored ? erm.... no dont think so.
yep, i wanted to have vertical distance indicators in different colors so it would be easier to adjust for diffent pings, sniping with 60 ping is way different to do it with 200 ping

| green yellow center
| ---|-----|----- +

but with them very close and plenty of them :) :sniper:
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It looks like the sniper zoom texture as well as the other default crosshairs are located in the bootpack textures. What you could try is to rename RRECTICLE (current zoom texture) and import the new crosshair under the RRECTICLE name. I'm not sure if this will work or it could blow up your UT. The best way to try this is to install another copy of UT on your system and play with that one
Judging by previous experience it will work offline but it wont work online.