Could this work (vehicles)?

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New Member
Jun 9, 2001
I've been thinking about something like this for a while and it concerns getting vehciles to work in UT. As far as I know getting vehicles to work in UT is a big problem if you actually want a player to be able to control them.

As far as I understand it the problem is that movers need to have definate predefined vectors. So a lift can go up and down, a platform can go from side to side but you can't have a vehicle that can go anywhere. Now I know some of you are going to laugh your asses off at this but maybe this would solve the problem...

Objects might not be able to be "driven" but they can be shoved. I'm thinking of maybe a tank running on the same principles as the cars in "The Flintstones". If you made the object light enough with low friction wouldn't it be able to be pushed along by a guy inside? Here is a sketch:

Also wouldn't it be possible to use rockets to create a rocket ship that could be aimed like this?

The tank could have a HP of say 3000 making it last a reasnoble time and I have some ideas for "dispensers" for these items.

Can anyone smack this down as being a non-starter or is it worth looking at further?

I've played sf quiet abit, haven't seen vehicals, but i'm pretty sure some mods do use vehicals, and about the rocketlaunchers, I'm pretty sure the max velocity is about 7 rockets.

Check autorip, it has a train in it. and has an F-16
Ace I know other levels (like Autorip) have vehicles in but you can't actually control where the vehicle goes. The Train must be some kind of normal mover.

I'm taking about vehicles you could control oh and having downloaded SF 1.6 (255 Mb!) :mad: (thnx a lot Tek) there don't seem to be any useable vehicles.

if u manage to make to useable vihicle it would b a niz idea to test perhaps its gets great use on maps like overlord ]I[ or riverbed iV ... :lol:
Well I think if this were possible then you would have to create special maps to accomodate them as they would be WAY overpowered for normal maps. I still think it would be a funky idea though and a way to trancend the limits of the engine.

If someone can smack this idea down then LMK.


That rocket ship looks like in-a-good-way totally crazy idea.. I can imagine the insane situations the unsuccessful rocketship-launching could make :)

I Have done some Unrealed mapping with one friend, might try if that'd work
It may not work if as Ace says the max velocity is 7 rockets I suppose theres a pretty easy way to test that though, probably a work around too if you fired twice in quick sucessesion.

If you think the "eagle" is crazy you want to see some of my other ideas for AS maps. I've got a map called Revolution that I've tried to make several times without any sucess mostly due to my lack of UEd skills.

You could create drivable vehicles just not in ued. You'd need to model them in the same way you do players, pickups etc and the code the whole system in uscript. Would be a helluva job but I would think it could be done.
It's already been done, which is what I found out, check this out I can't believe we've not seen and UT level that uses this yet, as it would rock for UTAS. I've sent my mission plan for Revolution (which makes much use of driveables) to Optical in the hope that maybe he be able to put into to practise what I have failed to be able to do myself. For more info on driveables you can go to this site:

Sometimes by asking the stupidist questions you get the most inteligent answers...

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Oh yeah I checked the rocket thing and there is a setting in Level Properties which is Maximum Velocity and is set by default at 2500ish I'm guessing if you tweaked this setting you could probably get more than 7 rocket power.

Well, back to the tank-moving-by-walking-in-it-thing. I'm sure a tank would look silly, but in a level with a medieval theme you could use some kind of siege-vehicle. Players would be covered by a moving roof while attacking a castle, so they can't be shot from above...