Connection Failed Rejected by server (jolt)

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New Member
Jun 26, 2002
Could sombody help me getting in Jolt servers,. I tryed all bonus packs, and it still ain't working. I keep getting the massage :


I don't have probs logging in to BOOMTOWN or ORANGE.NET EnZ.
Please help :)

PS: i downloaded my UT because my old UT was fucked and i didn't got the CD.. :throw: <:::::: thats gonna happen when my UT isn't gonna get fixed
LoL,. they ain't full when i try to get in,. and it ain't all servers that won't cooperate when i try to connect,.
My main prob is Jolt.. i wanne join jolt :'(
Sounds like package "de" version mismatch to me
Move your de.u file from UT/system to anywhere or rename the de.u you have to de.whatever then start UT, connect to the server and you will download the de.u file from the server.
Tada! :D

edit: Hmm then again maybe not. Shouldn't say rejected by server...
sometimes it seems the serverbrowser dont relly have adjusted to the amout of ppl playing (or maybe some players join a few nanosecs b4 u do) did you check ur browser afterwards ?
uzi i said that b4.. oh ye.. u said that someone said it but i'm saying it again to u so u dont forget it was said before ok ?
I checked all the things u told me to check ,. i removed my de.u and it didn't work,. it's not just jolt, if i wanne join my m8's server i can't get in to .. (same error)
My spec mode isn't on and i don't know why i should be banned :'(

But thanks for helping me !
GreetZ [St@lker]
ill bet ya that i have that patch.. so your on.. and no i don't use a aimbot or other thingy that i know of.

despered greetZ [St@lkeR]
i also play with a downloaded version, coz i lost my original UT cd
only prob i have, the water is grey :D

try to contac a jolt admin, maybe you have a brother that is banned on jolts ;)
It's fixed,... but not by any help of u guy's ..!
i took Farac|ÐÏ˧ËL Suicidal Arschloch advise and got my self a original CD..

Till frags ;) [St@lkeR]