Come GRILL some CTF'ers!!

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Re: d

can an admin change these TWA TS titles to something really

i know at AS they are novices :lol: but put something offedning on them plz

im sure lightning can help you come up with something good

he has a way with words :lol:

BTW @#%$ off again american wankers

LOL Kawada
Re: Come GRILL some CTF'ers!!

Main Entry: change·ling
Pronunciation: 'chAnj-li[ng]
Function: noun
Date: 1537
1 archaic : TURNCOAT
2 : a child secretly exchanged for another in infancy
3 archaic : IMBECILE
- changeling adjective
4 Odo in Star Trek - DS9 is one....

.....and Kawada means.......?


Edited cos I forget to put in where definition came from duh!
Re: Come GRILL some CTF'ers!!

im kinda with matt about the whole no tele=boring thing...i dont like telespam, even if i do use it once in a while, but all i do is click the mouse. the ppl who bind telespam piss me off, but its not like super hard to avoid.

CTF is all about action, and im not trying to downplay or praise either side here. if you want an all-tactics based game, based almost solely on thinking and tactics, play assault

if u wanna play a game w/some tactics, a game where you need to defend and attack at the same time, that is longer than Assault and involved more fragging skills, play ctf

if all you wanna do is frag by yourself or with your friends, TDM and DM are there for ya

domination i suck at, and even though its cool, i cant put a good spin on it

so i dont really know why yall are fightin over this, its just a preference, and for different types of ppl. i personally dont want to take the time to learn the AS maps and tactics, b/c i know someone like the ION guys are way ahead of me and it would take me a while to catch up.

CTF is more longterm based, where one lucky cap can give you the championship of the a league, one missed shock combo cost you a title, which is why its so much fun. for me anyway. i realize missed hammerlaunches cause problems too and everything, but its like 10 maps! hehe anyways, leave the 'ole mattass alone, just pick on the motherbitch, that stupid whore.
Re: Come GRILL some CTF'ers!!

Great post Pagoda.........well said :)

retraction of sorts

Well, I've come to realize this all went a little out of control. So I'm officially apologizing for myself and my close friend motherbitch for anything that offended anyone. Just remember it was all said in the spirit of good-natured fun, and I think it got quite interesting in the debates about US vs euro and CTF vs AS and the like. Timeless UT debates there :)

Anyway, like I said, I just started this topic cuz I was tired of hearing about ION getting f00ked over, but if it's all cool now, I'm cool with that. Havent heard any bitching lately anyway :)

Have fun guys...

(PS to board admin- since I started this topic, I feel I should be able to stop it, so I'd appreciate it closed at this time if at all possible. Thanks...)

Re: Come GRILL some CTF'ers!!

WoooHooooo 150 post...

Anyhow that is alot of flame if that is what this post is about... I cannot be arsed reading it :)

I did read the first pages when it starte dup though....

Re: Come GRILL some CTF'ers!!

OK read some of it as I thought I should :/ Hmmmmmm

I only got one thing to say... Almost everyone who plays AS knows about as much as ION.... Just ION have practiced putting it all into a single working unit and are Very good players and Organised !! They probably have a couple of secrets up there sleve but nothing that substantial as too make that much difference.

It would not take that long to learn most of the stuff !

But it would be hard to get it to work as well as ION !

Re: Come GRILL some CTF'ers!!

Can this thread b added to the LOL thread, where it belongs?