v2.0b trubs, help needed

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Rel@x said:
actually just looking again you have 2 <head> and 2 <body> tags lol i suggest you try and clean it up first :P
thats prolly the reason why i get a yellow symbol (left bottom bar) in IE, but cant display the error?!?

yeh, like relax said, fix that first...
Rel@x said:
the part i mentioned is below the <!---- Start of VWar ----> thingy.. tbh mate you really could've integrated this much better afaik . coz atm it's just 2 html pages in 1 lol

you mean _header.php and _footer.php

And yes, I'll have a look at the double body tag :)
I had a quick look thru the source, and I must say that is about the ugliest outputtet html I have ever seen :lol: wtf did you to do it?

I am amazed that it renders semi properly at all, just goes to show the programmers of html renderers are clever arse people...
lol you made it so u got 1 big image instead of 2 now .. ow well as long as it works..

tbh i still have to say the code is a mess from a programmers pov.

also my solution didnt work? would only need to set a fixed size instead of a relative one lol which didnt change the looks at all afaik
Tried it m8, didnt work. And could be more specific about the "mess" part? Prolly all the style codes. No worries, ill mix em up into one external file once the site is done and im satisfied with the looks of it.
also all the javascript functions in the mid of the code lol. but it's not THAT important just messy :) as long as it works it works :)
<script language = "JavaScript">
<!-- Begin
function textCounter(field, countfield, maxlimit) {
if(field.value.length > maxlimit){
	 field.value = field.value.substring(0, maxlimit);
	 countfield.value = maxlimit - field.value.length;
function cleartagboard() {
<!-- Dont edit this javascript bit... -->
<script language = "JavaScript">
<!-- Begin
function textCounter(field, countfield, maxlimit) {

Anyone else spot the mistake? :P
HehehehehbwaahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH... *hrh*

fs, it's too easy picking out err's in this source tho:

Fusion, if you want to have people help you with your code, improving it's readability would greatly help, as it's a fucking pain trying to read that shit.. also for your own sake, a nice clean write up is _always preffered in any code, as it makes for so better readability and ultimately bug hunting...

Thats the best advise you're gonna get from here untill you've cleaned it up ;)