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HUEY said:
I don't get this whole Chav business.....but then I'm OLD :yawn:

a few defenitions from Urban Dictionary may help ya

1. chav

Picture this a young lad about 12 years of age and 4 ½ feet high baseball cap at ninety degrees in a imitation addidas tracksuit, with trouser legs tucked into his socks (of course, is definitely the height of fashion). This lad is strutting around, fag in one hand jewellery al over the over, outside McDonalds acting as if he is 8 foot tall and built like a rugby player, when some poor unsuspecting adult (about 17/18) walks round the corner wanting to go to mcdonalds for his dinner glances at the young lad, the young lad jumps up in complete disgust and says “Whats your problem? Wanna make sommin of it? Bling Bling” when the adult starts to walk towards the young lad, the young lad pisses himself and runs off to either his pregnant 14-year-old girlfriend or his brother in the army crying his eyes out.

2. chav

Chav :- Cheltenham Average
More common than flys around shit, often wear burberry and are mistaken for intelligent life. Many of these sub-speiced humaniods gather around sertain locations about the towns and cities of Gloustershire, the most common of all locations is McDonalds. Easily spotted, look for fake gold, the ord Nike on clothing. Listen for the mispronouciation of childs words.
e.g isn't it, this is spoken as innit, and Friend becomes mush, or bruv, though many of them say they could "fukin batter ya" most of them couldn't even batter a fish. To spot a chav, be it male or female, (there is very little difference between the two) look for hair that is shorter than freshly cut grass, the inability to grow over 5 ft and the lack of education. If approuched by one of these humaniod Twats, simply reply with a smart comment or use a big word, such as car, or bus, or floor, mostly they will become confused and walk off, in rare occasions the have been known to attempt to harm people to little effect. It is well known that chavs have little or no friends, just a "crew" of mockly idiotic fools with brand name clothes and there trousers tucked into there socks, also see pikey or townie
Do not be fooled by there Humanoid looks, they are of another race, mainly scum

5. Chav

Chav - Sub species of human

Commonly thought to be of inferior intellect, the Chavette surprises us with its cunning plan to avoid taking up a professional career and provide itself with free accommodation supplied by tax payers by spawning multi coloured mini chavs at a early stage in life, usually mid teens.
Clearly recognisable by their distinctive tribal Burberry they congregate in town centres and on street corners, Chavs have a reputation of being creative with public property and motor vehicles, building themselves Chaviots out of mechcano sets and strip lighting, and providing us with humorous banta written on toilet walls like ‘Shit’ and ‘Tasha woz ere’ in an attempt to relieve our boredom while urinating.
Their language is a basic form of English thus avoiding any words they cannot spell or pronounce, even to the extent of creating new words only they know the meaning of.
Hunting in large groups Chavs will single out the weakest, smallest prey and attack it without mercy avoiding any personal injury and insuring victory.
Chavs unfortunately don't yet fall into the category of rodent and in effect cannot be bludgeoned to death under the guise of pest control. Darn!-
I think I speak for everyone when I say thank you Chavs for the great contribution you’ve made to this country, you’ve made it what it what it is today – a shit hole.

8. chav

Oh the simple Chav, what a constant source of amusement you are!
Chavs are the dregs of human existence. They live merely to piss everyone else off with their love of crap clothing and manky gold jewellery.
They have taken the wearing of tracksuits and baseball caps to a new level of pikieness.
Chav girls (or chavettes) commonly sport the Croydon Facelift (hair pulled back in a bun so tight that it pulls their faces tight) with at least 6 dangly faux-gold earings in each ear. Also often seen pushing a pram round shopping centers while chain-smoking and wearing fake burberry or nasty velour tracksuits. A favourite accessory is a hideous gold articulated clown dangling from a thick gold chain around their pimply acne scarred necks.
Male chavs hang around in gangs spitting alot and trying to start fights with small children or anyone else that they could easily overpower (which really is just small children!). Once they are of driving age they obtain a clapped out old Nova or Metro and then spend a fortune (no one knows where this money comes from, it is one of the many mysteries of the chav) "maxing it up" with big wheels, sound systems and a huge "wanker pipe" exhaust. Chavs can be seen in any copy of Max Power magazine proudly displaying their efforts at automotive design - tossers !!!
The Chav ermm "Women" normally sport a Clown Pendant.
When I go into town shopping and get bored I see how many I can spot!
UltraViolet said:
The Chav ermm "Women" normally sport a Clown Pendant.
When I go into town shopping and get bored I see how many I can spot!

Spotting chav womens' cleavage Huh?? ;)
They normally wear a track suit with the top zipped right up mate - the clown pendant is on top of the track suit so no jugs can be seen (luckly for everyone in the area).
rofl, u gotta love them chav women...

Went to Bangor in wales the other day, went shoppin in the town there are there is quite literally nothin to buy but chav wear, was amazing.

Sadly, my sister lives there so never buys anything till she comes to see me in B'ham and then i ahve to spend hours and hours shoppin with her :crap: