Bali Bomb

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UT's Official Corrie Street Aficionado
Jun 8, 2001
Internal Exile
Ive got this thing in my head...and i just cant shift it. I just cant help thinking that its just as plausible that ultimately the US is responsible for this bombing as Al Qeada or infact any other organisation. Now before ppl start mis-quoting me i'm not saying that the US has done it...but i am saying that IMO they are in the ID parade with the usual suspects. Does any1 else possibly think this?
Are you trying to piss people off? If you are, you're doing a great job at it. To even seggest that the US would do this tells me that you're fucked in the head.
LOL Draize, exactly what I thought! The americans were going to use their own terrorism to bolster support in the 60s for the cuba crisis. Dont put anything beyond the US And UK!! We are experts at being nasty! Still a lot of unanswered questions about the plane that hit the Pentagon causing only a 10x10 hole and no marks to the grass! by the way the plane had a wingspan about 150ft and its tail stood 36ft off the ground. They found hardly no wreckage either. Strange that!
You bunch watched to much X-files!

If USA really wanted to make the world vs Iraq, he probarly would have done a hit in Europe and not some 3th country..
I absolutely can't understand why you think the usa would have done it.
Maybe if you explain your thoughts, people will have a better idea of what you mean.
Well just to give you an idea. In the Cuban Missile crisis America was strugling to get support at home for Military action. The situation worsened to what has been described as the closest thing to full outright nuclear war ever. To bolster home support for their tough rhetoric the American government considered using terrorism(home made) to shape public opinion. Could be same here. And why there instead of Europe, easy answer in europe the nation attacked would have to be involved, as they would be likely to uncover the truth. Having modern intelligence services and skilled forensic scientists on hand. In Bali, who is the main runner in the investiation..... Correct! The CIA. Im not saying it was the americans(suspetc it isnt cos it was supposedly the right target!) but I wouldnt be aghast if at a later date it was proven to be them.

And this is nothing to do with Iraq. Whoever did the bombing, be it Al Quaeda, the CIA or some other unknown Muslim group they are just reminding people that terrorism is still alive despite the best attempts of the US.

Oh yeah, on a historical note, the Cuban crisis was resolved when America produced Spy Satillite images of Russian Nuclear weapons in Cuba. See something you have learnt today :)
Close, it was resolved when JFK told them to get the nuks out or we will go in and take them out and proly take Cuba. The spy images proved they had them and were building the launch sites. Some of the reasons we thought we were so close to a nuclear war, Russia agreed to protect Cubia in case of invasion and Russia waited until the last minute before they said they would take them out.

Some thing funny about all of it...

Russia at first thought we wouldn't invade until a Russian spy misread that weeks TV Guid. The TV Guid listed the President was going to on later in the week, he didn't notice that it said they were replaying his first speach about this issue. The spy sent a message to Russia about the speach, Russia thought this is the speach the President would declare war against Cubia so they backed down the night before the replay was to air.

As for the clame that the US had something to do with this, read my first post, that should give you some idea of what I think of people that say this.
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well tom thx for your history lesson
quite informative but i kinda knew about it.

But what i asked for is draizetrains opninion, ahhh no not his opninion but why he thinks the usa is after this.
what happened in the cuba crisis is unfortunate but has nothing to do with this, studies show that more than 60% of american people support ground assaults and more than 75% supports bombings.
I guess that would mean they have enough people supporting them
Originally posted by ProPain
But what i asked for is draizetrains opninion, ahhh no not his opninion but why he thinks the usa is

after this.
what happened in the cuba crisis is unfortunate but has nothing to do with this, studies show that more

than 60% of american people support ground assaults and more than 75% supports bombings.
I guess that would mean they have enough people supporting them
Well for a start i didnt say that the US did this...I said `its just as plausible that ultimately the US is responsible for this bombing as Al Qeada or infact any other organisation'.

Tom was using the Cuban missile crisis just as an example of American `spin' in global terms. There are many other examples as well. Take El Salvador & Nicaragua. These two countries have been tampered with by the US for years. The US always swears blind its got nothing to do with things and then something like the Contra arms scandal blows the lid right off. I dread to think how many bombs have gone off in Central & South America with CIA finger prints all over the explosives.

Anyway back to the original question. Well lets have a look at Bushes `War on Terror' and his desperate attempts to link Iraq with it. Its not going too well is it. Bush isnt making much headway in getting enough global support to attack Iraq...and believe me he wants to attack. I personally think its about getting their hands on Iraqi oil but irrespective of that, war is big business in the US. Plus under the guise of this so called `War on Terror' the US has an excuse to `get involved' and spread its influence all over the planet therefor maintaining its position of global power. Basically certain elements within US power want us(the rest of the World) to be scared. They want us to turn to the US and say `make the bad man go away'.

IMO US involvement of the Bali bombing is not as ridiculous as it seems cos lets face it, a country that can murder its own President on live TV is certainly capable of blowing up a nightclub on a tiny island on the other side of the World and making it appear like the work of others.
My apologies for saying that you think the USA did it, I kinda meant why do you think it is a possiblity?

As for their global support, don't you think that bombing something doesn't really work in your favor?
Anything is possible when it comes to US foreighn policies.
Thers a easy way to read it, just follow the money.Its not about being a good guy and sorting the badies out, its about US economy and world domintaion through it.If ppl wont agree with them they threaten with economics in the western countreys and force in other countreys the west doesnt normaly care about.

The stench of hypocracy is worldwide and noone gets it in mainland USA it seems.Americans are fond of saying "yes, we did that. but it was in the past." seems to me they dont get that u cant use that explenation when u still do the same thing u used to do.
Originally posted by ProPain
As for their global support, don't you think that bombing something doesn't really work in your favor?
Of course not...but the point is u wouldnt know who the real culprit was. Cut down in a very basic form:-

US states that the World is full of evil. US kills some ppl then points at bodies saying `look what the bad guys have done!' of the World says `Ur right US, go kill them back for us'. US replies `np, we're here to help'.
Sounds like a tried and trusted method.

Just how many paycheques do you draw Steve?
umm... soz to go back to cuban missile crisis... i thought it was finally resolved when russia and the us agreed to mutually withdraw nuclear arms from cuba and the middle east (turkey or summat where the US had some missiles)
Well your kind of right Uzi :P. But until the Americans produced evidence that the Russians had infact deployed Missiles to Cuba the russians denied all knowledge :). And Krushchev had already decided to withdraw them as he was terrified by Castros suggestion that he should launch a preemptive nuclear attack on American.
i see some people have been reading the "conspiricy theory" sites again
supprised noone has posted about the china, mexican packed or the japan russian arms agreements, the shining path recrutment by the CIA for the bali bombings ,,,,,, OH tsorry that one has kinda been touched on....

in all honesty you have your opinions on this subject but do you not think that the american contingent in this comunity of ours MIGHT just MIGHT be a little upset over what you have posted ?
you may feel that the USA had a hand in the bombings but have some thought for other people who share these forums before you fucking post shite like that.
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