autoswitch weapons

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fook it... i prefer the kamikaze style hit & run attacks at the enemy:D
i'm into the kamikaze thingy as well, knockin of 20 health at each run, i'll get passed after a run or 5 :D (healthpacks suck)
Originally posted by ProPain
rofl reminds me of old defense.
throw a weapon with 1 shot on a crowded point.
attacker now has a weapon with 1 shot and he is switching weapon
always works
(see guardia on bridge)

Thanks. I'll remind my players to watch out for sneaky shit like that when we play you at the end of the month :D

Although we tend to layer our defence in guardia, so while you're smugly congratulating yourself on fooling layer 1, layer 2's vaporising shockball will be about level with your face, and ripe for detonation :D
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defence in guardia... muhahahaa, that's called spam fs:D
Try this is in Guardia: Line up all your defence on the bridge facing in the opposite direction! Ie. all facing in the direction of the tank.

When the attackers come round the corner they'll assume they're attacking from the wrong direction and turn around and run back the way they came- finally coming to their end at the hands of that autocannon.

Give it a go and tell me if it works.

(c) Gold Dust Assault Tactics Inc.
GetWeapon ImpactHammer | set Engine.Pawn bNeverSwitchOnPickup True | Button bfire | fire | onrelease jump | onrelease set Engine.Pawn bNeverSwitchOnPickup False

This is the command turn off auto switch when you do your HJ and turn it back on when your done.
my screen freezes for just a short moment everytime that autoswitch is toggled :/
Cheers for the bind short delay totally ruins it tho:( u can still make most Hj's just not the really high 1's