
  • Hey - turns out IRC is out and something a little more modern has taken it's place... A little thing called Discord!

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the new ut why is everyone so keen on it?
when that comes out all them noobs will play it and the good will remain so free ut servers :)
and btw my pc wont even be able to take ut2003

btw Lo Mi5érs :)
greets from Mi5 The Manglebanglebong or as mc said, gimp :confused:
lo :spam:er :cow:s :D

whats up here ;) ?

:wave: Forum Users (especially the SPammers)

i dont wanna mention anybody :rolleyes: ...Twister....... :rolleyes:
I agree, twister needs some posts as it seems fs , who ya trying to imprezz m8 ? :cow: :mingun:
I know its not me Cuz U aint gonna impress me with something that isn't at least twice as much as my postcounter :rolleyes: