AS-TheDungeon2 to 3 fix thread

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New Member
Jul 30, 2002
Ohio (USA)
Now that people have played the map and don't automatically go "wtf i'm lost this sux", i'm interested in hearing suggestions on what to fix in beta3. Here's what I have so far:

Problem: Too much mini-ammo at start/spam
Solution: Reduce defense ammo, give attackers another weapon (rockets, shock?)

Problem: A lot of defenders hording around the Falls objective/in room with annoying saves.
Solution: Move the trigger up a bit, force the defense to push out.

Problem: Skull lock objective quite difficult to get 6v6 due to excessive back-whoring.
Solution: Move the lock closer, make a cutoff switch for the defense to push them forwards (say, in the low or high room, cut off their spawn access).

Problem: Miniwhoring at the end.
Solution: Less ammo for defense, move minigun up farther?

I may be overestimating a few of the problems here, as personally I find minigun/lockdown extremely annoying, so I'd like as much feedback as possible. Also, feel free to post additional solutions to problems already presented. I'd like this map to be fun to play for a lot of people, and that's really only possible with a lot of input.
The Skull lock isnt too bad for attackers, if they manage to get through the high way its only one dodge and rockets to finish the obj. However I have come across some ppl spawn camping the defenders spawn in that section, gives them no chance to get out when the attacker has a shock, in pug's this may not be much of an issue but in a league match where a team was very organised the defence should/would not be able to defend skull at all, that would be very annoying although it helps with the "attackers have skull lock problems".
i pld map a few times in pug´s
and the map is "there" quite playable....atm (!)
could be cause not every1 knows the map

best test would be, if 2 Div. 1 clans (with mapknowledge) play this map a few times in a row
then u´ll c the the "problems"