Ai website?!?

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Re: Ai website?!?

Its alright lads, ill talk to myself :)

right i have updated my sig again, i have a flash one in manufacture atm, so this will have to do for now
Re: Ai website?!?

WTFF - thats what the fucking fuck!

i just spent bloody ages uploading pics and editing shit and its crap, its craper than crap, and look theres less there than b4, ffs!!! :mad:
Re: Ai website?!?

trying again now

if it doesnt work ill brfb grrrr
Re: Ai website?!?

 <p align=center><img src=[url=""][/url] ><a href=mailto:p [email protected]>[b]Peebe_=)Ai(=[/b]</a><font=colour red>The Stalker</font><a href=[url=""][/url] target="web"<Clan Ai Website</a></p>

does that look right??
Re: Ai website?!?

cheers mate

at least i know one person replies on this forum :lol:

anyway I changed it again, spot the difference ;)
Re: Ai website?!?


that should be quite hard to spot the difference :( i am a class A ponce!
Re: Ai website?!?

ffs peebe m8
you do have fun by yourself dont you...

that explains your large right forearm

Re: Ai website?!?


wtf have Ai got into letin u and opti in

u mad basterd u

Re: Ai website?!?

oh and if your wandering, i deleted one of the pics off from the web, thats why some posts have no pic!!

and can anyone see the difference between my first post and this one? ignoring this text bit, obiviously this part is different smart arse
Re: Ai website?!?

the little picture and the text saying ur name has changed :)
Re: Ai website?!?

:lol: i am drunk a d ht in hting that the my oersona lpic is looks like a panda