[ADC] Vs FsM8 ProAS

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Dead Man Walking
Jun 9, 2001

Due to Server 2 being down, we had to find another Server,
We found Out server 5 was free, so we played our match on Server5,
And got to say the Server was very good again! no lag, just a few high pings but that was just down to there isp's.

The macth its self was very good to play in and fun to watch in irc.
We went 5-0 up :D then had a Draw on Guardia.. thats the only resault that any one would b happy with...lol
After that map, we lost the next 4...ffs :( just dont no what went wrong :(
Not all was on rw which did not help :(
and a few too many team kills :loaded:
so with the score at 5-4, we new we had to do something.. and that was to win the next 2 maps :D

Our newest ProAS Member Player to day, hope he liked the match, and he comes back...lol
i will b coming back for more :D

Thx for the match FsM8

played to both Clans.

Score was
[ADC] 7
FsM8 4

(1 Draw)
soz I had to leave m8s :/ I go to school and you know here in Germany it is always 1 hour later :( I hope I didnt disappoint you guys :D weas much fun , mostly at defending :P
:wave: scandium

wow, that screenie rox st0rmer.............

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