2v2 League

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New Member
Mar 28, 2002
Lo all!

Whats up with the 2v2 league?
Are you planning a new 1? with new ideas and so??

I think a 3v3 league would be interessting!!

and a Sniperleague woulb be cool.
1vs1 low grav shock arena.. and only shooting comboes, and only while in the air.. fun and dahm hard :)
I prefered the 2v2 tourneys back in the old days, more excitement, 10 specs on a server, great stuff. :thumb:
i remember i wrote a concept for a 2 vs 2 league some time ago.. take a look at it ....hope u consider it...
The old thread seems to be deleted so here it is again....

I made this idea for a new league in one of my latenight “What shall I do? exept going to sleep hours” and with a couple breezers en beers.

It’s based on a 2 vs 2 match system but every player has its own rank and points.

First of all a player (I’m gonna call him Mark for example) should play an amouth of matches a month…. Let’s say 2

For those matches Mark can choose a different partner every time :

By choosing a (weak) partner with few points, Mark will get a big amount of the points that can be won in that match. < If they win, if they don’t > Mark won’t lose that many points. The weak player will lose the same. ( But to a weak player a 100 points will mean a lot more then to a strong player, I think. )

By choosing a good partner Mark will get a smaller amount of the points that can be won in that match. <If they win, if they don’t > Mark will lose points.

The amount of points that can be won in a match must be based on the strength of the enemy-team vs the strength of Mark and his partner.

Team Blue
Mark ( 800 points ) & Partner ( 500 pionts )
1300 points = strength team


Team Red
Enemy1 ( 1000 ) & Enemy2 ( 700 )
1700 pionts = strength team

If the blue team wins they will get a lot of points, most of them will go to Mark, his partner gets less but still a nice part. Both players of the red team will lose many pionts.

If the Red team wins they will not get to many pionts, still Enemy1 will get a bigger amount then Enemy2. Team Blue will lose points but not really much.

To prevent partners from playing together al the time there are 2 solutions:

1) Just don’t allow it….. ( but I think that won’t be good for the spirit of the league because it’s fun to play with your mate a couple of times)
2) If they play together for the second time within a half a year ( or something ) they just get half the pionts that they could normally win. Together 3 times means ¼ of the points etc.

I know it will be a lot of work launching this type of league. But I think it’s a very playable type of league were the best players mix up with te less fortunate.This will result in a league were the top will not be dominated by 1 team but where there is still a battle for points survival and rank.

I hope U understand what I was trying to explane and how the system works. I know the best formula for the distribution of the points still has to be found but I think I better leave that up to people with some more experience then me in these kids of things. Good luck and I would be glad if these plans would be sirously conciderd.

I’m sorry if my English sucks at some points but I’m from Holland and I’m doing the best I can …….



u can download it here >> http://members.home.nl/tjaddoe/2vs2concept.doc
@D-Al: na :shake:
I can't play 2v2 with peebs with that I didn't praccie be4.

@monK: Yea I wanna specslots :bounce:


plz :love:
Maybe could be like last 2v2 league, but instead of 1 division with 248904904683 teams, getting divisions like in StdAS :)
:spin: :spin: :spin:
FS, Gaz and me are waiting for months to get the 2v2 league back!!!

Phear stopped as a league admin especially for us so he has enough time to finish the new 2v2 league. :cool:
there's _4on4_ ProAS already.
why ya want a 4on4 std ? ah I see, spamming is essential, right ?