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Well, here come's some Dumbasses for u :

A Turkish policeman accidentally shot himself dead as he scratched his head with his pistol. The 24-year-old Izmir officer was seen scratching his head several times before accidentally pulling the trigger as he was leaving the police station.
A woman who robbed two banks in one week, Bank of America and Emprise Bank, was captured when she forgot to attend to one small detail: filling her gas tank. After the second robbery she leapt into a waiting getaway car and sped off, but not before a witness memorized its license plate numer and relayed the information to police.
Captain Max Tenbrook said.robbers who get away fast are less likely to get caught. "Our best shot at catching them [is] right after it happens." Officers nabbed the woman minutes later and a mile away at a gas station where she had stopped to fill the tank and buy a carton of cigerettes.
Two whiskey-swilling men tried to dodge their bar tab by downing one last drink, jumping in the Nile, and swimming for the far shore. One, a 27-year-old taxi driver, misjudged his ability to stay afloat. He drowned en route, successfully avoiding paying the $180 bill. His companion reached the far shore a few hundred meters away, only to be arrested by police who had been summoned by the shortchanged nightclub employees.
Next time you and your friends try to dodge a bar tab, don't drink yourself senseless first. You might die or, even more dreadful, be stuck with the entire bar tab!